t3h w31rd: April 22nd, 2007
You know, every week something happens that keeps warranting this segment. In all honesty, I never intended for “t3h w31rd” to be a weekly segment here at X360R. But people continue to do what is, for lack of better wordage, stupid shit. So, it is with this in mind that I welcome you to this week’s round-up of all things odd, here in teh w31rd.
Ben Heck pt. 1 - The ThreeSixaxis
This is part one in the Ben Heck Double-Dip. So basically, here is what Heck did — he took a Playstation 3 controller, and ripped it’s guts out. Then he took an Xbox 360 controller, and ripped IT’S guts out. You follow? Good. He then took the PS3’s guts, and put them inside the Xbox 360 shell, thus creating a monstrosity that both sickens and fascinated my bleeding fanboy heart.
Ben Heck pt. 2 - The Laptop v. 2
In part two of the Ben Heck double-dip, we have ourselves Ben Heck’s Xbox 360 Laptop. Version 2. Now, I know what you’re thinking — “But JW, that looks an awful lot like the first one.” Well… yeah, it kind of does. But rest assured, this thing is lighter, slimmer, and has a bunch of other nifty stuff not featured in the Mark 1.
…I’d buy it.
300 is arguably the single coolest film I’ve ever seen. Not best. Not flashiest. Not even goriest. But in straight out “cool” factor, no film has ever approached the amount of sheer awesome that 300 has been able to achieve. This is where this internet video comes in. The premise is simple: Take the audio from the 300 trailer, and create entirely original (if not a little primative), video of a bunch of Xbox 360s (using Gears of War cases as shields), whooping the shit out of even more PS3s. It’s pretty cool, if not a little simple.
Five Reasons Why the PS3… Yeah, no.
GamerDebate.com has a list of five reasons why the PS3 will win the console war. After a hearty laugh, I read over this stuff and decided to shoot this argument down now, before it got out of hand.
Their list:
5.) Blu-Ray
4.) Online
3.) Killer Apps,
2.) Controller
1.) Hardware
And now, Xbox 360 Rally’s rebuttal, entited “Five Reasons Why the PS3 will FAIL!” This is where I need ScrewAttack.com’s “Number Five!” guy.
5.) Blu-Ray
Blu-Ray is overly expensive and artificially inflating the price of the PS3. Keeping in mind the fact that few people are getting on the Blu-Ray bandwagon (due to a lack of HDTVs in homes), and you seem to have a media format that, for the time being, is a failure. The Xbox 360 realized that HD is not yet in every home, thus why they made the HD-DVD drive optional. Until the announcement of the 360 Elite, getting an Xbox 360 with the HD-DVD drive cost the same as getting a PS3 with it’s Blu-Ray. The point is that the consumer can choose to save some money by NOT having to pay for a format they will seldom, if ever, use.
4.) Online
The convenience of Xbox Live is unparalleled. One handle for all games, as well as the Xbox Live Marketplace and XBLA which, currently, Sony has no real answer for.
3.) Killer Aps
360: Gears of War. Dead Rising. Dead or Alive 4. Lost Planet. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2. Perfect Dark Zero. Saints Row. etc.
PS3: Resistance: Fall of Man. Tekken 5.
By my count, that’s… Seven to Two, Xbox wins.
2.) Controller
The PS3’s poor attempt to rip off the Wiimote while trying for as long as they did to sell the lack of rumble as a “feature” was simjply pathetic. Yes, while the 360’s controller doesn’t have the second-rate tilt feature, it’s superior ergonomic design makes it easier and more comfortable for the player to use.
1.) Hardware
Even with the new Xbox 360 Elite, the price of the top-of-the-line Xbox 360 hardware is cheaper than that of the now defunct 20GB PS3. Now, with the Elite, you have $480 vs. $600. Which one do you think the average consumer is going to take? Also, the graphical differences are miniscule at best so there is no real argument that the PS3 is a far superior console to the 360.
Now that that is out of the way, let’s move on…
Just monkeyin’ around
Monkeys at the Atlanta Zoo have begun to get in on the gaming act. Sure, the game is something similar to something you’d find on a V-Smile console, with basic games where the primate draws pictures, matches sounds to pictures, and plays a match game with pictures, but it’s still a game, dammit!
And finally…
Coolest. Fan film. Ever.
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April 22nd, 2007 at 4:27 am
Ben Heck is the man and a half as usual. That PS3/Xbox amalgam controller is the best thing to happen to the PS3. “Suxaxis” indeed, even a GameCube controller feels less awkward than a PS3 controller.