YOU DECIDE a Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Achievement

Capcom, known for being pretty interactive with their fans imo, has had a little contest going on, that is going to be ending on August 1st (Wednesday), Brian Dunn the blogger for Capcom explains the contest so easily a caveman could understand it:
You get to make suggestions and then vote for the best Achievement, which will make it into the final game.
We want to put your thinking caps on and come up with any Achievements you would like to see make it into Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Post your suggestions for Achievements in the comments section here.
Simple enough, right? Well get to posting your idea (click here to do so!). After they pick 10 of the best ones, Brian will post them up on their forums for you to vote on, the winner’s suggestion will make it into the game! Be creative but realistic with your idea.
Some amusing ones I have read so far (may not be winners, but giggling outloud in my boxers at my computer is a win win for me):
- “Defeat Sheng Long”
- “Play the game for the first time”
- “The Cheapness!!!1′ Throw more than 50 projectiles in one round”
- “Respect: After a match both you and your opponent submit good player reviews about each other.”
- “Flamer (Secret Achievement, 50 points) Complete the game without bitching once about how much you don’t like the new art, how lazy you think Udon are or that ‘you could have done this so much better’.”
Awesome job Capcom, I am still ticked about other things, but I enjoy a good well thought out contest.
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