Peter Moore gots Rare’s back

In an interview with, Moore goes onto state how PDZ and Kameo are so important and blah blah. One quote stood out for me:
Moore went on to say that while he felt Rare’s strength was in titles for broad audiences, he wouldn’t rule out more mature titles from the developer just because Bungie and Epic Games seem to give Microsoft the edge in that area already.
The only reason it really makes me ponder, is… could they take the chance and just have a Killer Instinct game.
[ source ]
May 20th, 2007 at 11:07 pm
[...] Moore went on to say that while he felt Rare’s strength was in titles for broad audiences, he wouldn’t rule out more mature titles from the developer just because Bungie and Epic Games seem to give Microsoft the edge in that area already. The only reason it really makes me ponder, is… could they take the chance and just have a Killer Instinct gameread more | digg story Share: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]