Official Retraction of SEGA TGS Rumor
There has been a lot of controversy regarding a recently posted rumor regarding SEGA’s possible Tokyo Game Show line-up. Now, I was originally very defensive of this piece because of who sent it in. He, a long-time go-to guy named Rob, has sent me exclusive tips for four years, and until this most recent one, they were ALL accurate.
Regardless, after the link had been posted by reader “Cedge”, I immediately contacted Rob via GoogleIM.
If anything, this whole experience will force us to reevaluate our policy as far as rumors go. We may just stop reporting them entirely.
So, while Rob is (hopefully) sending his messages to Kotaku, Xboxic and all those other sites who linked to this, all I can say to you guys is that I am sorry for this whole damn mess. I assure you that this will NOT happen again. I have to say, I applaud you guys for being right on top of this. That’s why we have the comment section open — for both praise, and to call us on our shit when we’re wrong.
So again, I apologize for the story. We’ll continue to give y’all the most up to date NEWS regarding the Xbox 360 and Microsoft, with the wit and borderline-insanity you’ve come to expect, however the page has been taken down, and no further mention of it will be made after today.
James Walker
For anyone else who decides to send rumors our way, do us one favor — make sure the source material is in ENGLISH! For Christ sake… English. Or Klingon. I can read Klingon.
+2 nerd
August 5th, 2007 at 5:22 pm
[...] a big surprise to anyone I am sure, but the original source of the list has posted a retraction and apology. Hopefully some good will come from the fake list. [...]
August 6th, 2007 at 1:34 am
Well this wasn´t big suprise but thx for the correction.
August 6th, 2007 at 5:18 am
Pretty obvious this wasn’t a real list, it was far too good to expect from Sega nowadays.
The damage it would have done to Segas real TGS line up could be substantial though, any list they can come up with now will look very poor compared to the fake one.
Good work on the apology though fellas.
August 14th, 2007 at 8:44 am
here is SEGA’s new list for TGS 2???
1-Shenmue I and II:Special Edition(X360)
2-Shenmue III(X360)
3-Shenmue:10th Anniversary Pack(X360, PS3)
2-Street Of Rage 4(PS3, X360)
3-Panzer Dragoon Saga:D Wars(X360, PS3)
4-Jet Set Radio Now(X360, PS3)
5-Skies Of Arcadia Wii-make(Wii)
6-Shinobi: Heart Under Blade(PS3, X360)
^Based on the recent movie.
7-Daytona USA 2008(PS3, X360, PC)
8-Toe Jam and Earl:Mission Possible(Wii, DS)
9-Space Channel 5 Next Gen(PS3, X360)
10-Ecco : Sentinels of the Universe(X360, PS3)
11-Vectorman:Vector Worlds(PSP, DS)
12-Samba The Amigo Wiiiii!(Wii)
August 20th, 2007 at 3:51 am
[...] Xbox 360 Rally has managed to get their hands on what seems to be an authentic list of Sega’s offerings for [...]
October 27th, 2007 at 3:15 am
[...] Show offerings has appeared. The list is from an unknown source, but a reliable one according to XBox 360 Rally. The games included are an absolute fanboy’s dream. We have sequels to Shenmue, Jet Set [...]