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Lionhead’s Fable 2 - Great Concept Artwork Released

by PacoDG


Lionhead studios has released some really neat looking Fable 2 screen shots. Concept art doesn’t always end up being how the final product would look, but with games like Eternal Sonata (Trusty Bell), Crackdown, Okami changing the way we can enjoy games that aren’t trying to go with a completely realistic look.

Check out a couple of pics



Those are just samples, head to Lionhead Studios Scenery, characters, buildings, sketches, very much worth a look.

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3 Responses to “Lionhead’s Fable 2 - Great Concept Artwork Released”

  1. qqsomz Says:

    Hello. Very interesting website. Keep up the outstanding work and thank you.

  2. -->Magdalena --> Says:

    I realy loved Fable … Ican’t wait for Fable 2 …and my God the Dog …. needt to have it:)

  3. XBox 360 Rally » Blog Archive » Fable 2 - Female Character Screenshots - Teh Hot (NSFW) Says:

    […] (Couple more concept art pieces here) […]

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