Bill Gates Rocks Out to Guitar Hero III. Kind of.
In case you haven’t heard, Bill Gates had his CES keynote address last night. While most of it was boring and unoriginal, the ending was… something entirely different. Taking a page from Peter Moore’s disastrous attempt at rocking out at this past E3 (boy did I get the Code Monkeys prediction wrong or what?), both Bill Gates and Microsoft President Robbie Bach took decided that it would be better to have others stand in for them as they used Guitar Hero III to settle a $20 bet.
Bach brought out the insanely hot Tipper Queen, who threw down to the opening licks of Guns n’ Roses’ classic “Welcome to the Jungle”. However Gates, being Bill Gates, one-upped Bach by bringing out the equally talented, if not slightly less-hot Slash. To give you a hint: He’s the one in the hat.
One complaint: A bet of $20? Come on. Bill Gates hasn’t even SEEN a $20 bill since 1974!
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November 5th, 2008 at 3:04 am
Bill Gates hasn’t even SEEN a $20 bill since 1974!
Hahah thats pure gold, lol