The Dashboard Update is here! Oh, the apathy!
So, Microsoft released the spring dashboard update for the Xbox 360 this past day. After playing around with it, all I can say is… and?
We have a new blade to give us easier access to the Marketplace, as well as the new messenger component that, I admit, works well. But outside of that, there is really… not much. Sure, the video playback features are kind of nice, but not really anything I put too much weight in. Maybe it’s because I have a real DVD player, I don’t know.
Sure, this shouldn’t be a big surprise. Hell, it’s a dashboard update, it’s nothing big. But, there were some blogs… including us here at the Rally (aka my bad), who hyped this dashboard update up so that it was almost the second coming. But, in the end… it’s not that important. I’m the ultimate Xbox fanboy, but even I see this was… pretty much pointless. So what if you have a messenger now? Yippee-freaking-skippy. Odds are if you’re on Xbox Live, you won’t be messaging too many people, anyways.
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August 31st, 2007 at 5:43 am
Agree, and now it’s end of August and i can’t play my 360 on my 16:10 monitor. it’s a shame..