Need an excuse to miss work on Sept. 25th?

If there is any true injustice in the world, it’s that Halo 3 will be released on a Tuesday. That means that normal human beings will have to suffer throughout four whole days before they can board their windows, lock their doors, and throw down on some Halo 3. But, if you simply can not wait until then, odds are you’re going to need to think of an excuse to get you out of work/school/date/jury dity/wedding/funeral. Thankfully, GameDaily has a few ideas on what you could tell your boss/professor/girlfriend/judge/wife/ex-wife.
My personal favorite of the bunch, unfortunately, has nothing to do with my life at all:
Just want to let you know that I can’t make it to work today. My kid got in a fight at school with a real Brute. Busted him up pretty bad. The principal, Sergeant Major A.J. Johnson, called me this morning and asked that I come in. Says he plans to give both kids a psych evaluation using some new software called Cortana. Will keep you posted.
…either I need to come up with another excuse, or find a way to knock a girl up, have her give birth, raise them to roughly ten years old and have him get into a fight… or adopt, but why do that when I’m just going to give him or her back?
NOTE: You know, this has inspired me for an idea for another UNOFFICIAL contest. In the comments section, if you come up with a sick day letter that just floors me — and I mean REALLY has me laughing until I pee (or come close) — I’ll give you my copy of Halo 3 Legendary Edition.
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