Mass Effect, Just the Facts - New Info From BioWare
by PacoDG

Yesterday, IGN did an interview with Casey Hudson, Producer and Project Director of BioWare. Some pretty interesting questions that shed some light on the depth this game is going to have, here is a quick run down:
- Differences in opinion can lead to situations that will challenge your relationships with certain squadmates, possibly leading to life-and-death situations.
- Developing skills in Charm and/or Intimidate will bring about different options in conversation.
Your gender choice will affect some plots.- Each squad member will have very well developed backgrounds and story arcs that will grow over the course of the game.
- Less turn based, more action (speaking on Jade Empire and Mass Effect)
- On top of “the force” and black holes, more powers are available that they have not shown yet.
- Squad members are equally customizable as your main character.
I have to admit, with so much of my attention focused on games like Bioshock, the over amount of information that Halo 3 has, and tons of other great titles coming.. I sometimes forget about the greatness that Mass Effect will bring to the table, which just by these small new tidbits of information, keep me in check.
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September 20th, 2007 at 1:57 pm
[...] you haven’t, I highly suggest checking out “Just the Facts” part 1 here, as when you put all the information for this game together, it shows depth like no other game out [...]