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Levine confirms NO PS3 BioShock!

by JW

(I just love that image)

In a phone interview with Joystiq, 2K’s Ken Levine has confirmed that there is absolutely NO PlayStation 3 version of BioShock in development.

I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we’re keeping from people. There’s no PS3 development going on that we’re hiding. There’s lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft … that’s not a Rosetta Stone discovery.

So, there you have it, people. Ken Levine himself has said that there is no PS3 version of BioShock in the works. So stop with the conspiracies.


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4 Responses to “Levine confirms NO PS3 BioShock!”

  1. PacoDG Says:

    I don’t get why people still persist with that rumor ! https://xbox360rally.com/sorry-ps3-when-we-say-exclusive-we-mean-it-gears-of-war-and-bioshock/

    Now, just waiting on my Metal Gear 360 :)

  2. Bioshock not going to the PS3 - Computer Forums Says:

    [...] not going to the PS3 XBox 360 Rally � Blog Archive � Levine confirms NO PS3 BioShock! so thats that i guess __________________ MSI 975X-E6600-8800GTS-OCZ 1GB DDR2 800-Hiper 580watt [...]

  3. Universe_JDJ’s Blog » Ken Levine: NO PS3 BioShock Says:

    [...] read more | digg story [...]

  4. #14: R.E.M.’s Document is 20 years old this week, A man is arrested after stealing wi-fi, and BioShock: what’s all the hype about? « thelump.net Says:

    [...] under 95%, and the only negative press coming out seems to be from PS fanboys who are gutted that its not coming out under the Sony brand. MSNBC explain why its a possible game of the year candidate: “Why? [...]

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