Guide to Getting a Friend into Call of Duty 4 Beta
by PacoDG

- 1. Plug in 2 Controllers.
- 2. Sign Controller 1 into the shared account (the one with the Beta)
- 3. Leave Controller 2 signed out
- 4. With Controller 1, go to ‘Account Management’ under the Marketplace Blade then ‘Download History’
- 5. With Controller 2, press the Guide Button then A to access profiles
- 6. With Controller 1, select YOUR account and sign in
- 7. Press B on Controller 2 (to exit the guide) then unplug Controller 2
- 8. Select the COD4 Beta onscreen, then press ‘Confirm Download’
- 9. The Beta will now download with YOUR account and once done, will work with your account
At the time of me typing this, I hope this still works out for you! Just remember you are doing this at your own risk
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September 4th, 2007 at 2:53 pm
Omg I
September 4th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
Well that comment came up screwed, but anyways, it just worked for me. Thank you so much!
I CAN HAS COD4 BETA!!1!111!!1!!!11