Dear Rare: We Need Killer Instinct on 360

Dear Rare:
It’s time we talked about the future, or actually, the present plus the future, and hell, the past too. Presently there is no good fighting games on the Xbox 360, yeah, I honestly can’t wait for Soul Calibur, but Dead or Alive… meh, Virtual Fighter.. well, it is better than Dead or Alive at least. The other choices are Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. I thought RPG’s would be the top genre that would be ignored on the 360, however with Blue Dragon here, Eternal Sonata coming up, plus a decent amount more on the way, that is covered. “Casual” games, covered. Shooters, well covered (CoD4 Beta is win btw). So, now to get to the future, I think its time to bring back the past, with a little Killer Instinct.
To be honest, I would accept an XBLA version of Killer Instinct, maybe take a second out to HD the graphics (or go all out like that Street Fighter II HD Remix game). Just some nice online lag free play and throw in an extra character or level for good measure. Though I was honest, lets get down to business. Okay, Banjo-Kazooie is coming out, I am excited, but now time to move on to the next project. I realize you guys are hard at work on something already I’m sure… but, its still early, take a few of your staff (90%), and get started on Killer Instinct 360.
We all love you Rare, Perfect Dark wasn’t perfect, but, it wasn’t that bad. I have never heard anyone who has played Kameo say bad things about it. All Viva Pinata users are hooked from what I can tell. However, we want that “Goldeneye” game that will make people compare Rare to the mighty Bungie (which pound for pound I already think there is good arguments for who is “the best” out of each developer..but I digress).
Lets talk the game, 3D or 2D, I would honestly take either. I know you at Rare know the 360 inside and out by now, so go all out in the graphics department. Breakable and interactive stuff everywhere. Fire, explosion, electricity, etc. Oh, and bring back the combo system, so fun. New characters of course. As a bonus, maybe a throwback level. Killer Instinct, at the time of it coming in both arcades and even Super Nintendo, blew people away by being different and graphically amazing, now is the time to do both again. We are not alone in this way of thinking, look at these many requests:
Official Xbox Forums:
“ A Plea for Killer Instinct…… ”
“New Killer Instinct?”
“XBLA’s Most Wanted: Killer Instinct!! Post Your Support Here!”
TeamXbox “Most Wanted Unannounced Xbox 360 Games”
Hell, just while writing this I found out someone has a domain up with forums “Killer Instinct 3 on Xbox 360”
So Rare, just bring us a Killer Instinct, we know Goldeneye isn’t coming to XBLA, so ignore those whiners, (though is a Perfect Dark 64 XBLA possible? .. err anyways.. just saying), Killer Instinct 360, bring it please.
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September 14th, 2007 at 7:34 am
Dugg it and I agree wholeheartedly.
September 14th, 2007 at 7:39 am
[...] how it was an original fighting game and the graphics were the bees knees, you can do it again Rare!read more | digg story Share: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and [...]
September 14th, 2007 at 3:13 pm
I spent fortunes, playing KI 1 & KI 2 in the arcades. Still play it with a good emulator on the PC. But playing it on XBLA with some achievements, lag-free multiplayer & some updated HD graphs would be awesome or hyper or super or Ultimate….
A new KI would be great too, but it better be good with some HUGE graphics.
Best games ever
October 15th, 2007 at 2:57 pm
[...] I am hoping somebody out there is already on top of this rumor and get some sort of comment out of Rare about this, I mean, I can’t wait for the new Banjo as much as the next person, but a new Perfect Dark game that could possibly make up for the horrendous Perfect Dark Zero would be welcome with open arms (or just give us Killer Instinct!) [...]
November 8th, 2007 at 11:16 am
[...] read more | digg story [...]