Sega Rally Revo demo slated for “mid-September”

Mid-September. That is the date Sega has given as a release date for their demo to their upcoming uber-sexy Sega Rally Revo.
This news is taken from a video on YouTube, curtesy of the British Gaming Blog, that you can see after the break. However, I am going to warn you here and now that the way the video is edited, it is very easy to get confused and think that they’re referring to another of their upcoming games, The Club.
Sexy. Absolutely sexy.
(Thanks to Stephani, Mark C., Mark L., Jack, and “bozzco21″ for the tip)
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August 22nd, 2007 at 5:16 pm
[...] - New Screens August 22nd, 2007 by PacoDG As JW just posted earlier today, keep an eye out for the Demo coming September, if you need some more reasons to check this game out, here you go. • GeoDeformation™ – a [...]