Rare: NO Viva Pinata Downloads!

Are you one of those Viva Pinata fanatics who just can’t get enough of those adorable, anthropomorphic animals filled with candies and joy? Well, I have some bad news for you: Rare won’t be making any downloadable content for you anytime soon… like, never.
Following the announcement of a new Viva Pinata for the Nintendo DS, a Rare developer felt the need to smash any hope that the announcement of a new Viva Pinata would bring downloadable content to the original game.
We aren’t doing any downloadable content for Viva Piñata because we are much too busy doing something else.
…”something else”… something else is good. Maybe an outright sequel? Maybe a possible sequel to Conker? …with our luck, it’ll be another “Grabbed By the Ghoulies”.
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September 4th, 2007 at 11:19 am
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September 4th, 2007 at 1:59 pm
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