Microsoft aims for $155 Million Halo 3 Launch

Variety is reporting (Variety? We’ve resorted to VARIETY?!) that Microsoft is shooting for Spider-Man 3’s opening weekend record of $151 Million.
Chris Di Cesare told Variety “We did $125 million last time… We’re confident we can do better.”
You’re confident? Give me a break, you have three different versions of the game! Even if you sold the same number of games for Halo 3 as you did Halo 2, you’ll surpass the previous high of $125 Million simply based on the $10 price jump. When you throw in the $69.99 Limited Edition, plus the $129.99 Legendary Edition of Halo 3 with that awesome helmet, and it almost seems certain that Halo 3 will surpass it’s predessor.
…freaking Variety…
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