Major Nelson Played Halo 3 Today - New Weapons He Might Have Used
While browsing Major Nelson, it showed the following information, “Last seen 3 hours ago playing Halo 3 Epsilon.” Now I had no clue what Epsilon meant, but that is okay, as Xbox360Fanboy did the dirty work and looked it up on Wikipedia, finding that this is basically as near of a final build of Halo 3 as they come before the actual release. Cry, be jealous, hulk smash, etc, lets move onto the weapons.
IGN had a feature on some of the new weapons that will be featured in the game, including one that I know everyone else is excited about, which doesn’t stop me from going ahead and saying.. I too, am very excited to have a FLAMETHROWER! Right click here to save a 360° view of the weapon (quicktime required). The flamethrower will put you in a third person view (similar to that of using the turret that was featured in the Halo 3 Beta) and will burn everything, screw BR’ing up a Warthog, burn it to the ground.
The other weapon in the article is a firebomb grenade, I am too excited about the flamethrower to give the firebomb grenade the attention it deserves. However, when reading the details, it seems the firebomb might be a better weapon overall, they use the example of stopping a flag carrier by creating a wall of fire. Another neat little tidbit about the flames is though the bubble shield will protect you from the flames, the flames will burn on the surface of the shield.
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