Lost Odyssey is 95% complete. Rejoice, dammit!

Microsoft is giving their pre-TGS press conference right now, and so far, not too much. One very interesting thing that DID come out of the press conference, however, was from Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy and the upcoming Lost Odyssey. Now, I know what you’re saying. “But JW, it’s a pre-TGS press conference. They’re not going to give us any information before TGS! What could be so interesting?”
Lost Odyssey is 95% done.
…that got your attention? I thought it might.
It’s so close to being done, in fact, that the Japanese will be getting Lost Odyssey on December 6th. If you don’t live in Japan, however, you’ll only have to wait a couple of months more — Lost Odyssey is slated for a February, 2008 release.
On a side-note, if you want to be up to date with the goings on at the Pre-TGS Press Conference, visit the IGN liveblogging page.
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September 12th, 2007 at 9:20 am
so freaking excited about this game love turn based rpgs, but hate kiddie stuff like blue dragon (well it looks kiddie but i haven’t actually played it, waiting to pick it up used)