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Jericho releases new video “I am heavy weapons guy”

by PacoDG

Much like Team Fortress released videos of the characters, Jericho starts a similar series off with a pyro loving character named Sgt. Frank Delgado. After the video, have a read of the press release that came with this video for more background on this very unique game (I tell you Gears of War meets Resident Evil!), that I really doesn’t go passed up by gamers (c’mon, they got the God of War composer specifically picked out for this game!):

The Jericho squad is a seven-man strike force for the U.S. Department of Occult Warfare, sent into the Middle Eastern city of Al-Khali to investigate an intense level of paranormal activity. Throughout the game, players will be able to play as, and switch between, the members of the squad – each of them skilled in modern warfare and individual para-psychological disciplines, such as telekinesis, blood magic, exorcism and more.

Delgado is the squad’s heavy weapons expert and a skilled Pyromancer – one who speaks with fire. The source of his power is the entity of a living flame, a fire spirit, which lies encased within a protective shell on Delgado’s right arm.

In combat, Delgado unleashes the spirit as a roaring flame. Responding to Delgado’s commands, the fire spirit becomes a formidable weapon, razing the nightmarish enemies in its path. However, use of this fearsome living weapon comes at a cost: while the spirit is free, Delgado’s arm burns with a searing pain, draining his energy. To be effective in combat, players must balance the use of the spirit against torturing Delgado to exhaustion.

If you want to see more footage of this game, click here.

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One Response to “Jericho releases new video “I am heavy weapons guy””

  1. XBox 360 Rally » Blog Archive » Dark Sector ‘Erase’ Trailer - Game Features No HUD, Evolving Powers, more.. Says:

    […] the other recent “meet one of our characters” videos that are coming out as of late (Jericho, Mass Effect), another video is here, but this time for a maybe not so known game, Dark Sector. […]

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