Happy Maddenoliday, everybody! I can assure you that productivity will sink through the damn floor by tomorrow, as everyone and their sickly, crippled aunties will be getting their pigskin on! …man, that made absolutely no sense. Either way, as of right… NOW, Madden NFL 08 is officially available at online retailers and electronics retailers everywhere.
So why are you still reading this? Madden is out NOW! Whether you get the Xbox 360 version or the PS3 version… or the Wii version… or the PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, PC, Mac, DS or PSP versions… buy it!
On a side note: Am I the only one who feels like EA is completely whoring Madden’s name? I mean, come on — GAMECUBE version? No one should be playing their Gamecube anymore.
…oh yeah, there’s also some cell phone game and an old Genesis game about a dolphin coming out this week on the Arcade, but come on — MADDEN!
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August 14th, 2007 at 6:49 am
[…] grace us with its precense on Xbox Live, of course I speak of Hexic 2 coming tomorrow (not “some cell phone game” as another writer would leave you to believe!), I am now presented with the great news that […]
August 25th, 2007 at 9:26 am
[…] Up the ol Xbox - Madden 08 and Medal of Honor Demo’s Out NOW! by PacoDG If you missed out on Maddenoliday the other week and still haven’t got to try this glitchy game, the demo is here for you to […]