Halo 3 Beta - Review
Well, half a review. If you do not know, my 360 is working when it wants to, “towel tricks” working multiple times.. and blah blah, lets get to review already… Halo 3 Beta.

Halo 3 Beta
Love, Bungie
Halo 3 Beta
Love, Bungie
Yes you have to go through that little text on a black screen until you get to the feeling of excitement as the menu screen pops up:

Before starting a game, I actually take a second to explore, hitting the start button to see what “Profile” offers.. thinking this was to customize my characters, ended up was a bunch of stuff i had no time to try and understand at the time (please, someone comment on what all that stuff means)

When it comes to picking a game, not much choices, its rumble pit time. Maybe its just me, but the backgrounds look crisp and good as hell (im on HD for this event). I notice in the waiting for players screen, I am now marked with a “J93″. I played two games. Oddball (I killed!) and Slayer (4th

In no way do I mean to use an excuse, but I was jumping in blindly to the new controls, however once I got used to them, you can have some strategic killing. Different guns, different grenades, and then the extra items (like a lift that you can throw anywhere like a grenade, then step on it and its like a super bounce). The game really has a feeling of something good has been added, without taking anything else they already had right with Halo 1 and 2. Sniping felt good. Having the original Halo 1 default rifle is great, along with the Halo 2 assault rifle is still around.
Both games, I played the same level, called “High Ground”. The three screen shots I have up are no accident, they are all from the High Ground level. I have nothing but good things to say about it. It didn’t have a traditional Halo level feel, but it felt right. Good amount of inside buildings, yet a nice sized outside rocky area, and in the end, the level doesn’t feel like a big level, yet it really has a lot of spots, actually, even the rocky/beach area almost makes it seems likes its two levels that they attached together, yet once again, doesn’t feel that big. I can’t wait to try Valhalla and Snowbound, which I have no doubts I will with the amount of time I will be putting in this game (ie.. after writing this.. guess what im doing).
Lastly, the controls, you will get used them quicker than you think, it may be a week to master, but after a few games, you’ll feel how tight and well thought out they were.
I call this only a half review, because I know my main man JW will be getting his word in on how he feels about the game, as I didn’t go nearly in depth as im sure I could. Also, 1pstart writer kezins, prepare to get teabagged. Btw, thanks Bungie, I so far, am satisfied.
May 17th, 2007 at 11:29 am
Don’t look at me — I didn’t buy Crackdown.
May 17th, 2007 at 3:33 pm
Aw crap! Go to blockbuster and rent it!
I know I have my copy from the contest, but I actually had got one of them email invitations before hand.
Looks like Crackdown will be eBay bound (with the description “Halo 3 Beta with free copy of Crackdown”
May 17th, 2007 at 9:21 pm
I gotta say the Beta is awesome, and what sucks about your id is that it must have a letter and then 2 numbers, but if your lucky enough to have the name edy, you could put y63, which is edy backwards, darn edylynx for being clever
May 18th, 2007 at 11:02 am
I loved the Beta. The controls are very intuitive once you get used to them, the interface is clean and easy to navigate, and the graphics are not bad for a beta. In terms of gameplay everything seems balanced and the maps are well though out for every game type which has always been a strong point for Bungie. I just wished there were more than 3 maps
Also, props to the Live team for banning modded 360s because I was sick and tired of these people in Halo 2.
June 9th, 2007 at 7:24 am
[...] June 9th, 2007 by PacoDG I know I know, one review of Halo 3 Beta is enough, especially when it is from such a top notch writer such as myself on top of the sad fact that the Beta will be coming to a close very soon. Still, I did find this [...]
November 28th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
Nice and usefull post, thanks, this is one for my bookmarks!