Windows Live
Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

Hi, boys and girls. It’s just me, your friendly neighborhood JW, here to remind you all that we’re currently looking for people to replace us here at Xbox 360 Rally. All you have to do is go HERE, fill out the form, and wait to hear back. It’s really not that hard.
So, get to it already — so Paco and I can get to the NEW site!
Posted in 451's Gaming Clique, Achievement Unlocked, Announcements, Concept Art, Contests, Deals, Demos, Downloads, E3, ESRB Alert, Editorial, First Impressions, Free Crap, Game Footage, Games We Want on XBL, General, Hardware, Humor, Interviews, JW's Notes, Japanimatrix!, Microsoft, Mill o' Rumour, New Releases, News, Paco's Notes, Platinum Hits, Press Releases, Preview, Review, Sales Figures, Screenshots, Toys, Tutorial, Videos, Windows Live, X360R "Media", X360Review, Xbox 360 Sources, Xbox Artist of the Month, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace, t3h w31rd | 6 Comments »
Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Ok, people, here’s the deal — Paco and I are on our way out. We’re taking over at in an effort to restore it to it’s former glory. …that, and I just plain want to write about another game every once in a while, is that so wrong?!
Anyways, here is what we’re looking for: A competent, capable writer with a love for all things Xbox. Now, by competent writer, we mean someone who spells “you” correctly, and knows when to capitalize. If you can do that, you’re a shoe-in. So, CLICK THIS DAMN LINK, do the required stuff, then get paid to play video games and write about stuff.
…hell, Mike and I did the hard stuff already, and YES, the GTA4 Banner contest will continue, and I will still give you a copy of GTA IV… or something. So, hop to it.
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Posted in 451's Gaming Clique, Achievement Unlocked, Announcements, Concept Art, Contests, Deals, Demos, Downloads, E3, ESRB Alert, Editorial, First Impressions, Free Crap, Game Footage, Games We Want on XBL, General, Hardware, Humor, Interviews, JW's Notes, Japanimatrix!, Microsoft, Mill o' Rumour, New Releases, News, Paco's Notes, Platinum Hits, Press Releases, Preview, Review, Sales Figures, Screenshots, Toys, Tutorial, Videos, Windows Live, X360R "Media", X360Review, Xbox 360 Sources, Xbox Artist of the Month, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace, t3h w31rd | 8 Comments »
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007
The servers are melting. Paco spilled his cola on the keyboard. JW’s out back trying to wrangle the horses. In short, we’re all kinds of FUBAR, so we may not be able to update as much as we’d like today.
Sorry, peeps. We’ll be back soon.
Posted in Achievement Unlocked, Announcements, Concept Art, Contests, Deals, Demos, Downloads, E3, ESRB Alert, Editorial, First Impressions, Free Crap, Game Footage, General, Hardware, Humor, Interviews, JW's Notes, Japanimatrix!, Microsoft, Mill o' Rumour, New Releases, News, Paco's Notes, Platinum Hits, Press Releases, Preview, Review, Sales Figures, Screenshots, Toys, Tutorial, Windows Live, X360R "Media", X360Review, Xbox 360 Sources, Xbox Artist of the Month, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace, t3h w31rd | No Comments »
Sunday, August 5th, 2007

There has been a lot of controversy regarding a recently posted rumor regarding SEGA’s possible Tokyo Game Show line-up. Now, I was originally very defensive of this piece because of who sent it in. He, a long-time go-to guy named Rob, has sent me exclusive tips for four years, and until this most recent one, they were ALL accurate.
Regardless, after the link had been posted by reader “Cedge”, I immediately contacted Rob via GoogleIM.
Posted in Achievement Unlocked, Announcements, Concept Art, Contests, Deals, Demos, Downloads, E3, ESRB Alert, Editorial, First Impressions, Free Crap, Game Footage, General, Hardware, Humor, Interviews, JW's Notes, Japanimatrix!, Microsoft, Mill o' Rumour, New Releases, News, Paco's Notes, Platinum Hits, Press Releases, Preview, Review, Sales Figures, Screenshots, Toys, Tutorial, Windows Live, X360R "Media", X360Review, Xbox 360 Sources, Xbox Artist of the Month, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace, t3h w31rd | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, July 10th, 2007
Here I am, coming to you LIVE from my couch! Here I am, ladies and gentlemen, ready to pass along the latest news from Microsoft on to YOU, the reader! …because apparently you don’t realize it’s on G4… or… or Gamespot… or Lord knows where else… EITHER WAY, let’s DO IT! Watch the Conference HERE!
Posted in Announcements, E3, Editorial, First Impressions, General, Hardware, JW's Notes, Microsoft, New Releases, News, Press Releases, Sales Figures, Windows Live, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace | 4 Comments »
Friday, May 4th, 2007

That’s right, people. This Monday will be a good day for us all — as Microsoft is releasing it’s spring update to the world. Now, the big thing about the update, as we all know, is the new ability to talk with people via Windows Live. Through Windows Live, you can talk to people on your Yahoo! Instant Messenger, by the way. The keyboard attachment will be released sometime in the summer, so I don’t expect the new IM program to be all that popular for a few weeks.
But that is hardly the only thing included in this update. Some of the other stuff includes:
Posted in Microsoft, Windows Live, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox Live Marketplace | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

I’ve been hesitant to bring this up, because I wanted to have all the details before I started getting pumped. But, now that I’ve found more info on the matter (namely, from Game Informer — the only magazine you need to read), I feel sufficiently comfortable in talking about it.
At GDC, Microsoft announced quite a few details regarding Windows Live, the first of which regarding the pricing. It’s exactly like Xbox Live: $8 for one month, $20 for three months, $50 for one year. If you are currently an Xbox Live Gold subscription holder, like me, don’t worry — you’re already signed up, with the same gamertag AND gamerscore that you use on Live. Yes, I said Gamerscore. All you achievement whores out there better grab some clean underoos.
Microsoft also announced that your gamerscore will be carried over to Windows Live, and that you will be able to continue adding to it through upcoming PC releases (like Halo 2) and exclusive “Vista Casual” games. I assume the Vista Casual games will have an achievement structure similar to that of the current crop of games over at the XBLA.
So, there you have it. To all you naysayers out there that said that Microsoft would never allow cross-platform gaming from PC to XBox 360… y’all just got owned.
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Posted in Announcements, Microsoft, News, Windows Live, Xbox Live | No Comments »