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Game Footage

Dead Island - Resident Evil Competition Is Here

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

Covered earlier on the Rally, Dead Island has the storyline of a guy and his wife are on a plane that crashes on an island with zombies. Looking quite scary and not nearly as racist as Resident Evil (kidding btw, you are a tard if you thought RE’s trailer was racist). The overall feel of this game is going to of course remind you of Resident Evil, but also add a touch of Dead Rising with the amount of random killings that I believe will be taking place. Check a clip, then re-read the description that was posted earlier to get a full feel for this title:

Star Wars - The Force is Unleashed On You! Trailer and Screens - Must See

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

Holy crap. For all those Star Wars nerds awaiting any tid bit of information on Knights of the Old Republic 3, I think you should take a second out to view this video. It is an upcoming trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I will full on admit I am a trekkie, there, I said it, but even with that said, this video is turning me to the dark side. Awesome graphics, characters I haven’t seen before, great game play, and I know it isn’t a big thing, but I enjoyed the epic music as well, so check it out:

Also, another little video has been released showing the details on what is going on in the background to the making of this title, look no further than below:


The Return of Red vs Blue (Episode 4 of 5) - “Open House”

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Yes, episode 4 is here! Catch up with episodes here is 1, 2, and 3 before viewing this one in the great Halo comedy soap opera.

Can’t wait for the 5th episode!

Sega Rally Revo - Mini-F.A.Q. - New Video - New Screens

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

Actual Logo, wow!

As JW just posted earlier today, keep an eye out for the Demo coming September, if you need some more reasons to check this game out, here you go.
• GeoDeformation™ – a unique feature which dynamically changes the course during each lap with revolutionary surface & environment deformation.
• Vehicles – over 30 in total across 4WD, 2WD, Classic and Bonus types, most with three variants each (Road, Rally & All Terrain).
• Environments – wide range of hyper-realistic next-generation deformable environments including Safari, Artic, Canyon and Lakeside.
• Tracks – a range of off-road and on-road tracks, with a variety of surface types and creative track designs.
• Multiplayer – speedy online and offline multiplayer modes for up to six people.
• Action-Oriented Arcade Heritage – in contrast to other simulation-themed rally racers, SEGA Rally Revo features action-oriented next-gen arcade racing unlike any other game.

Sent to us at The Rally was a brand new video, which I suggest popping in full screen (I have higher quality versions of this video in .wmv and .mov, including HD, but no place to host files that large, if you can provide space, I will gladly upload them), so for now I grabbed the one hosted by GameVideos because it is pretty good quality for flash. Also some high quality screen shots right below the video. This game is looking to be that perfect mix of arcade racing and sim, this is the first racing game on the 360 I might actually purchase.


Mafia II Trailer

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

Tiscali Games, through use of either a handheld camera or a cell phone, was able to record the first video trailer for the upcoming Mafia II. Because it was recorded with a 3rd party device, the sound is freaking awful. And non-English. And loud.

I would say it looks like a game I want to play, but considering they’re speaking a language I can’t even make out because the audio is so awful, I’ll simply say that I can’t wait to see more of this game. In english.

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Master Chief Sucks Again, Now at Halo 2

Sunday, August 19th, 2007

so sadWhile some people have to prepare to get their Halo 3 on, others, have gone back to just playing Halo 2. Such is the case of the great gamer Master Chief, who was originally brought to our attention with the video of him playing the through YouTube user . He is now back at it again with a new video giving us a day in the life of the Chief as he finds out the beta is over and must resort to popping in Halo 2 again, don’t get jealous of how awesome he is, even taking notes from my own play book on such great moves as killing my teammate in case he took the weapon I want.

Skate. vs Tony Hawk - Video Comparisons Don’t Do It, But Here are 2 New Vids Anyways

Saturday, August 18th, 2007

Lets take a second to briefly see what each title offers, both games feature video capture to create and edit your own skate videos, both games feature various real life skating and related companies, both games feature actual skaters, both games will.. etc etc etc, I think listing the similarities will take to long. So what is setting these games apart from each other… well, I can’t be sure until they release a demo (specifically Skate.) Tony Hawk is going to have the same tried and true method of control, with probably improvements on the “Nail the Trick” type controls as debuted in the previous title (Tony Hawk Project 8), where the game slows down and zooms in on your board and feet as you gain a little more control over what tricks you want to pull off.

As far as Skate, which I am eager to try out just for the sake of giving a new skating game a shot, will have controls that, from what I can tell, are definitely what is going to set the game apart from Tony Hawk. Right analog stick will be the board, left analog will be your body, triggers are your arms and the “X” and “A” buttons are your feet. It seems a little complicated, but then again, sometimes the games that require a learning curve end up being the best ones. I am a Tony Hawk fan since the first title, I may not have owned each one, but I *think* I have played every title at least one time (on all systems too, N64, PS1, PS2, Xbox one, even the cell phone versions). Both titles released videos in the past two days, lets take a look to see how little differences there are between the games, this even includes the storylines of being a new skater just trying to come up in the ranks. After viewing them both, I think we can all agree that the voice actors in the games are horrible.

Jericho - Clive Barker Hires “God of War” Composer to for Game Soundtrack - Take a Listen

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Cris Velasco who worked on both God of War and God of War II, provided the beautifully composed music for what is no doubt going to be a great original FPS, Jericho. Clive Barker hand picked Velasco with these kind words about this music, “Filled with yearning, dark energy, threat and redemption, it is the unstoppable engine in the terrifying ghost train of Jericho.” Below is a video featuring a taste of his music, as well as some game play that is a mixture of Gears of War and Resident Evil, two games I wouldn’t have thought before would make a nice amalgam, but as you will see, it is looking to be a title worthy of a purchase this October.

In addition to that lovely new video, there are four brand new screenshots of this title that are pretty large, so if you are in the mood for a new eerie wallpaper, look no further than down:

Warhound - Brand New Footage - The “Crysis” Killer!?

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Okay, I may be taking that statement a bit far, but, after viewing this video over and over again, I can really say it is at the least a contender (See Crysis PC footage at PCGamingRally). As stated in the video itself, all of it is ‘in game’ footage. I hope the game plays as good as it looks, because it is looking good.

Want to see a little bit more of this title, of course you do, check another video below taken back in March at the Game Developers Conference:

Stranglehold Attract Mode trailer: Making murder look so, so good…

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

Just shut up and watch. Allow yourself to bask in the awesomeness that is Detective Tequila.

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F.E.A.R. Files Trailer

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

F.E.A.R. is one of those games that I keep going back to over, and over again. It’s the perfect blend of white-knuckle action and “AH! AH! WTF WAS THAT?! AH!” fear. So, when I saw that there is an expansion due for it, I was suprisingly excited.

…then I saw the trailer…

…to quote Jay, “I think I filled the cup.”

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EA - How Far Will Gamers Allow Them to Go?

Thursday, August 16th, 2007

Wow, I have never seen one company screw up so many times in one day, where oh where to begin.. lets start off small. First we have the “Bullshotted” screenshot Joystiq was able to point out. The term from Penny Arcade refers to a ‘bullshit photoshop’ of a screen made by the company themselves, below is a screen from NBA Live ‘08 from Gamespot, click to enlarge and take note of the player all the way to the left:


Pretty sad isn’t it. Something so basic, really, insulting our intelligence almost as though people wouldn’t notice, I can’t believe a company so large would be able to let something like that slip. That is just the start of their slipping however, as seen in the video below put out by gamer “,” bugs are definitely let through until the final build of their newest big thing, Madden ‘08. (Warning: there is tad bit of foul language used, so make sure to put the ear muffs on the kids if they are in the room)

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty trailer

Thursday, August 16th, 2007


How on Earth is no one talking about this game yet? Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, for those of you who don’t know, takes place in an alternate history where Winston Churchill died in 1936, and without Churchill’s leadership England (along with the rest of Europe) fell to Nazi Germany.

Cut to 1953. Nazi forces have launched a suprise attack on the Eastern Seaboard, simotaneously attacking New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. (Trailer after the break)


The Return of Red vs Blue (Episode 3 of 5) - “Fully Equipped”

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

Great little episode, enjoy watching Sarge show Halo 3 weapons using Halo 2 equipment, good times. (Missed out on the first two episodes, here is 1 and 2).

Out the Way Forza, One Side Project Gotham, Sega Rally Revo is Here!

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

I am a fan of racing games, just not racing sims. Give me a Mario Kart or Beetle Adventure Racing over Gran Turismo any day. Right now the 360 doesn’t give many options in this portion of the racing genre, what, Fatal Inertia (bloowwwwss). Well it looks Sega is here to help with a little arcade racing action, yet remembering to look pretty doesn’t hurt either. Using real cars and level design that just screams to me that their might be a shortcut around that tree, check out the first trailer for the game below (and after the break, take a gander at some huge screen shots Sega has given to The Rally):


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