BioShock - The Bestest Game Ever Created Ever - Find it Cheap

Bioshock, the highest rated game on just about every web site created for games, getting perfect 100% scores with Official Xbox Magazine, EuroGamer, Game Informer, 1UP, Gamespy, 360 Gamer Magazine UK, Game Chronicles, Games Radar, GamePro,and my favorite review of them all from the “Sony Defense Force” (Note: Sony review is for lulz only, it got a 5/10, but still worth a read). Since the GameStop pre-order for the limited edition is over, lets see where else BioShock can be had for a cheaper price instead:
Circuit City: $49.99 + Free ’standard’ Shipping = $49.99 (Of course you can just pick this one up in stores) $59.99 - $10.00 (w/first time Google Checkout users) + Free Shipping = $49.99
Family Video: $52.99 + 99 cent shipping = $53.98
Amazon: $49.99 + Free Shipping = $49.99 (NOTE: This deal has ended! Back to retail price)
A quick note about the Circuit City offer, Best Buy and Sears do price matching (I believe with 10% off the difference as well). I can confirm Best Buy price matching works, as that 1600 MS Points card deal Circuit City had not too long ago, I just went into the store, grabbed the store ad that is right by the front door, and went right up the street to Best Buy where I was able to purchase the cards. So depending on what store you want to support and/or if you want that extra 10% off, that is the way to go.
Let us know of any other deals you spot out on the internets and we will update this page with your name on this page, haven’t you always wanted to be famous!?
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