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January 31st, 2007 by Staff Writer

About XBox 360 Rally

Welcome to Xbox 360 Rally, the only home for all the Xbox 360 news that matters, with a touch of “home flavor” not associated with most major gaming sites. Xbox 360 Rally brings you all the Xbox 360 News, Reviews and Previews you could ever ask for, with a healthy dose of sarcasm, and a dash of cynicism to get you through your day.

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Gaming Channel Posts

  • New Fable 2 Video Up
    It seems like it has been a while since I last watched one of the Lionhead Video Diaries, so watching this episode was a treat. Embedded below, however it is available in HD and it is recommended to [...]
  • Adios, Boys and Girls
    Ladies and Gents it pains me to say my farewells to 1PStart. I've been here only a short time, though I've been at Xbox 360 Rally (another 451 site) for just under a year. I will miss you guys, [...]
  • Voip on the iPod Touch Launches
    Like the shiny ball dropped in times square in the first second of new years, so did a voip app for the iPod touch deep in the Internet. The much anticipated app was created by the people over at [...]
  • Friday Fun: Warcraft Flash Game
    With the end of the day and the weekend fast approaching, I thought I would take some time to do a little experiment. Given the increasing popularity of the Warcraft franchise, I wondered if anyone [...]
  • CVG PC Review: Guitar Hero III
    I am sorry I haven´t been so good on writing lately. This has to change, ofcourse but since I am expecting my second child and my son just had his birthday close to Christmas and NewYears [...]
  • Wireless Nunchuk
    Nyko Technologies' wireless nunchuk for the Wii won a CNET Best of CES award. It took top honor in the gaming category at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Nyko debued the wireless [...]
  • Microsoft to Stop Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility Updates
    Sad news for everyone who hoped that they would one day be able to play The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay on their Xbox 360, as Microsoft will no longer be updating their [...]
  • Sony Refutes Claims of 40% PS3 Failure Rate
    Earlier this week Dutch gaming site Gamed.nl published a story which claimed that the 40GB model of Sony’s PlayStation 3 had a 40% failure rate. Now SCEE (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) [...]
  • Xbox 360 to go Blu-Ray?
    With Blu-Ray seemingly beating HD-DVD into submission like a redheaded stepchild, it really shouldn’t surprise anybody that Microsoft is now considering adding Blu-Ray playback to the Xbox 360. [...]
  • Mid-Week Video!: Code Monkey
    Hello again everyone! While I'm sure you are all busy testing out the latest changes from the patch that went through yesterday (Personally I'm a big fan of Icy Veins), I'm still here for the mid [...]

Hot Off The Press

  • Obama policy adviser schedules Clemson visit
    Samantha Power, a senior policy adviser for the Barack Obama campaign, will speak at 2 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 14, in the Self Auditorium at the Strom Thurmond Institute at Clemson University. [...]
  • Tea Biscuit and Sea Biscuit
    I feel full of Australian slang today. This means you need biccies and scones. Lots of them. And it means I need to behave and not fill your minds with Strine (Aussie dialect, full of [...]
  • Family Guy Ear Sex
    Why not start off the weekend with some Family Guy Ear Sex? Theres no better place for than here... :D [...]
  • 2008 Alabama 4 star: Courtney Upshaw
    Here's the thing: the Alabama Crimson Tide faithful don't like losing to the Auburn Tigers at anything. Guess is that if there were a chess match between the two schools 50,000 strong would show [...]
  • Jeremy Kyle's Show Voted Worst Programme In UK
    Regular readers of Pop Buzz UK will be well aware of my hatred for Jeremy Kyle, his show on ITV, his guests, his smarmy attitude, and everything else which comes wrapped up with the cult of [...]
  • Caris
  • Thought of the day
    “Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.” –Sandra Bernhardt, Actress I have to admit that Sandra Bernhardt and I do not see eye to eye. I guess I don’t get [...]
  • More arts, events, and opportunities: Call for artists again!
    There's always something to do in New Mexico. I have provided a variety of supplemental thoughts about January. As well as a mini-concert for you. This is a great low cost production so I [...]
  • More AJ
    AJ Cook has been getting a lot more airtime for her character, JJ. And she's been getting more media attention. With the departure of Mandy Patinkin and the arrival of Joe Mantegna, there is [...]
  • Salma + Beard = Sexy?
    While everyone from Ugly Betty seems to be keeping pretty quiet since this strike Salma Hayek has signed on for a new movie role. In Cirque Du Freak Salma will actually play a bearded lady. If she [...]