Kid electrocutes himself while trying to cool his 360

A fourteen year-old North Carolina boy is lucky to be alive tonight after nearly killing himself in an attempt to cool off his Xbox 360.
According to the Darwin Award-nominated child’s mother, the Xbox 360 console would continuously shut off after about five minutes of use. Finally, the child went online and found a possible solution for remedying this by cooling off the power supply. Take it away, mom!
“I saw him put the cord on top of a box in the living room”, said the boy’s mother. “When I left to go next door he was playing a game but when I got back he was laying on his back on the floor and unconscious”.
So how exactly did the child go from playing Madden 08 to being KOed on the floor?

Apparently the kid, taking a tip from 4chan or something, wrapped it in plastic and tape before submerging it (still plugged in, by the way) in a pan of water.

Now thankfully the child was ok. By the time the paramedics arrived at the scene, the kid was awake and cognative. Other than the rather painful lesson in basic science, he suffered small burns to the right side of his body.
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August 23rd, 2007 at 10:53 am
way to go America! education level is sooo high, that they forget simple stuff….
August 25th, 2007 at 10:28 pm
Thinning the herd, man. Glad he’s ok, but HOW STUPID YA GOTTA BE????