Halo 3’s Bungie.net is lookin’ sweet!

During the latest Bungie Weekly Update, we were given a bit of a sneak peek of what we can expect with the new Halo 3 version of Bungie.net.
Basically, here is what you can expect with the new Bungie.net. Say you take a screenshot inside Halo 3. You’ll be able to go to your PC, and when you bring up your stats page at Bungie.net, you’ll have that very same screenshot staring you back in the face.
This is part of a File Share system that, for lack of better wording, owns. You like that movie you saw on Bungie.net? Flag it, and the next time you sign on Xbox LIVE, it’ll download straight to your console. That is absolutely awesome. …I’ve been using that word a lot the past few days, haven’t I?
We’re going to be getting more and more info from Bungie over the next week or two about what all they’re doing to their site in support for Halo 3. From what we’ve seen so far, whether it be the revamped leaderboard, or the File Sharing system, we can expect Bungie to stuff their site with features out the backside in support of Halo 3.
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September 1st, 2007 at 5:34 pm
Can’t wait until Halo 3.