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Free Crap

Capcom Gives Reason to Pull Out Lost Planet this Thursday (Aug 16th)

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

I have a big love hate thing with Capcom lately. I had purchased their Map Packs 1 and 2, but did not purchase the third one released just a little over a month ago (Lost Technology, Ruins, and Ice Drop), thank Jeebus I didn’t, as in two days, it will be free. So I shouldn’t feel bitter about getting something for free, but, one of the three levels is so awesome and would be so much better if they would just give the 360 fans the Mega Man suit PC Lost Planet users get, to play it in! What, don’t understand why? I think you should now watch the video below to see Lost Technology in action (Gracias to Xbox666):

Take note, Brian from Capcom’s blogs also made sure to mention that the patch to improve connectivity will be hopefully released in the next few weeks.

Bioshock Artwork - Download it Here, Download it Now, It is Beautiful

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Cmon, Kool Aid man busting through wall reference.. eh forget it
2K is really hooking it up to the fans of Bioshock. Since the Collectors Edition of the game does not include an artbook like many CE of games do, they decided to go ahead and make one for you. Let me tell you, it is awesome filled with radical (random 80’s terms = win!). Seriously, if you enjoy this game at all, download this pdf right away. You aren’t on dial up, so make sure to get the 75mb version (just in case, they do have a 15mb version available for download). You will find within the booklet so many concept art pieces dealing with characters, the level design, and even weapons, and just so you know, this art won’t make you wish they did the final feel of the game differently, rather, it will make you appreciated the game even more. I would like to make sure before downloading though, you heed their warning:

“The one thing I’d recommend is skipping over Ken’s foreword until after you’ve played the game, as it holds some spoilers you might want to keep secret your first playthrough is complete.”

Download the low res artbook. (15 MB)

Download the high res artbook. (75 MB)

Amazon offers Elite + HD-DVD Add-On & 5 Free HD-DVDs + 300 bundle!

Sunday, August 12th, 2007


Are you in the market for a new Xbox 360 Elite? If you’re not looking for one for yourself, keep in mind that the holiday season is right around the corner (as is your favorite journalist’s birthday *cough*) so you may be in need for a gift for that special someone. Well, Amazon has you covered.

Amazon is offering an Xbox 360 Elite/HD-DVD Bundle for $599, and includes:

  • Xbox 360 Elite Console (w/ wireless controller & 120GB HDD)
  • Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player
  • King Kong (HD-DVD)
  • 300 (HD-DVD)
  • Five FREE HD-DVD Movies
  • That, to put it simply, can not be beat. That’s an $835 value you’re getting at a $235 discount. I don’t know how long this offer will last, so act while you can. You won’t regret it. If nothing else, you can rationalize it to yourself by looking at your PS3, which cost you the same amount as this entire bundle.

    [Xbox 360 Elite/HD-DVD Bundle]

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XBL Radio Podcast Celebrates Episode 100 - Lots of Prizes!

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

XBL Radio

Though labeled as episode #49.5, this is in fact their 100th episode of the show. To celebrate, through out the podcast, they have lots of guest callers in, a lot of retrospective on the show itself, as well as some thoughts on where it will be going (and how you can be a part of it all). If this is your first episode of the show, I suggest checking some older episodes to hear great interviews and good discussions on the 360 as well as gaming in general. As for now, check this episode out, there are chances to win:

  • Mad Tracks for XBLA
  • Def Jam ICON autographed
  • T-Shirts
  • Two Worlds Mini Swords
  • Xbox 390 Back Sack (sounds disgusting, but I am sure this one is a good prize whatever it is)
  • To find out how to get these freebies, check the link below:

    Click Here to Choose a Format to Download the Episode

Technical Difficulties

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

The servers are melting. Paco spilled his cola on the keyboard. JW’s out back trying to wrangle the horses. In short, we’re all kinds of FUBAR, so we may not be able to update as much as we’d like today.

Sorry, peeps. We’ll be back soon.

Official Retraction of SEGA TGS Rumor

Sunday, August 5th, 2007


There has been a lot of controversy regarding a recently posted rumor regarding SEGA’s possible Tokyo Game Show line-up. Now, I was originally very defensive of this piece because of who sent it in. He, a long-time go-to guy named Rob, has sent me exclusive tips for four years, and until this most recent one, they were ALL accurate.

Regardless, after the link had been posted by reader “Cedge”, I immediately contacted Rob via GoogleIM.


Capcom - Pro PC, Anti-360 (!?) - New Free Lost Planet Downloads

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

The Mega Man Nazi

In a sad and strange move by Capcom, Lost Planet PC will be getting a few new things for one of the best shooters this console generation. 360 users will get some free maps (that I have already paid for!). However, I am over the bitterness of me paying for something that is now free, I just kind of wish they would have said it would eventually be a free product (ie Halo 2 maps that I gladly waited instead of paid for.. which I guess isn’t as strong as a business move moneywise in the short term, but long term.. that is debatable). So for you 360 users, this Friday (July 20th): 4 Free Multiplayer Maps! They are really good, Hive Complex and Trial Point are easily two of my favorite maps made for the game, so honestly, check em out. They will also have a patch that addresses online connectivity issues (sometime in July).

To make you all a little jealous of new PC Lost Planet users, they will not only be receiving the 4 maps for free, but also new character skins, which include Frank from Dead Rising (NOT EVEN ON THE PC!), a NEVEC soldier named Joe, and.. Mega Man. Bah. The game hasn’t even been out a month and it is already receiving free goods AND extra content over the 360 version (which if I remember correctly, helped keep Capcom in business)

See the full post with a few screen shots of the new characters at the Lost Planet Blog, and feel free to comment directly to them, I can’t help but be satisfied with one thing at Capcom, they actually do listen to their customer base on their blogs and forums. Still, feeling a little left out with all the free downloads going to the PC people, when a few character skins could easily be done with an update to the game.

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Jam to some free Halo tunes

Thursday, July 12th, 2007


We all love the Halo music. If you don’t like the Halo theme, then you just plain have no taste in music whatsoever… and you probably hate Democracy. So GTFO my site, you anti-Halo commie bastard.

…no, no. I was kidding. Get your ass back here.

For you who DO love Halo, however, Bungie is now offering, for free, the music to the E3 trailer we all saw (sans G4 viewers) on Tuesday night. So give it a download, and rock the hell out!


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Fire Up the ol Xbox - Downloads a Plenty

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

exxxittt staage left
Fresh off JW’s Live Blogging of the E3 Press Conference comes tons of new videos and other little downloads for you to enjoy. The videos are as follows (all available in HD btw): Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, Civilization Revolution, Too Human, Project Gotham Racing 4, Lost Odyssey, Viva Pinata Party Animals, Mass Effect, as well as montage videos for Xbox Live Arcade, Xbox 360 Games, Games for Windows, and Xbox Live Marketplace.

Onto the games! Most importantly, of course is the Blue Dragon Demo that is now up, as well as demo’s for the XBLA titles Sonic the Hedgehog and Golden Axe. That is it for the free stuff, check Major Nelson if you want to see some more things available that you can buy.

Update: Files added since I posted this: E3 2007 Theme and Picture Pack, trailers for NBA Live 08, Beautiful Katamari, Crash Bandicoot, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 4, Devil May Cry 4, and the demo for Ace Combat 6. I notice also available is an IGN E3 2007 Pre-show Wrap Up, all which can conveniently be found in the Marketplace blade in the Games section where that huge “E3 Bringing it Home” button is that takes up half the screen. Do some searching around also to find the “Halo 3: E3 2007 Trailer” .. if not, just scroll down.

Now, for one very important video that JW mentioned near the ending of his post (link), Halo 3. Now that video isn’t avaialbe for download on your 360 just yet, however, God bless Gamevideos.com, look no further than below:


Rainbow Six Vegas Red Pack Now FREE!

Monday, July 9th, 2007


You can say a lot about game publisher Ubisoft, but you can’t say they don’t treat their user base well. If you recall a week or two ago, there was an issue with their Black Pack. Apparently it was intended to be free, but that’s not how it worked out. Well, as a token of their appreciation, Ubisoft has not only promised to reimburse those who purchased the Black Pack, but they have also made their Red Pack free of charge as well.

So, if you’re one of the big RSV fans out there, and were waiting to pick up these packs, you’re in luck. Go DL it right now!

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Bungie Day Extravaganza Starts - Get Free Pics/Theme TODAY ONLY!

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

heretic_dance.gif As reported by Bungie here, exclusive content has been released in the form of a nifty background theme (featuring a very amusing Frankie blade), as well as a full picture pack.

Keep an eye out, as the magical date 7/7/07 will no doubt bring upon us those damn two “new” maps for free (new to me at least)!

Xbox 360 Rally Logo Design Contest - Prize is Grand Theft Auto IV!

Friday, June 8th, 2007

On Monday, JW made the world aware of a contest here at the Rally. I have had a couple of questions about the contest, on top of we both post Xbox news like mad men, so take this as a reminder of the contest as well!


Click “Read the rest of this entry” for Rules and Regulations!

Lost Planet “Battleground” Map is FREE

Friday, June 1st, 2007

If you bought the Collector’s Edition of Lost Planet, you already know the awesomeness that is the Battleground map. It’s the extra map that the users who didn’t buy the regular ol’ version of Lost Planet didn’t get. Until NOW!

…well… June 7th, actually. But still, come June 7th, all you Lost Planet owners will be able to download, and throw down on the “Battleground” map. And the best part? It’s absolutely free! There are already two map packs available for 400 MS Points apiece. Map Pack #1 features two maps, “Island 902″ and “Radar”. Map pack #2 features “Hive Complex” and “Trial Point”.

If you own both these map packs, then you have absolutely no reason not to download this map. Unless you already have it. In which case, congrats on 1uping the system.

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Buy Shadowrun or Forza 2, and get a FREE Xbox 360 Game

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007


*gets on megaphone*

Listen up — today is Tuesday! Today, both Shadowrun and Forza Motorsport 2 are released to us, the general public! If you are planning on buying either Forza 2 or Shadowrun, do so at Circuit City! Why? Because if you pick up either title, you will get a free Xbox 360 game. Sure, it’s a $19.99 value game, but you will get to pick a free game to take home, to inflate your game collection while you spend hours and hours with either Forza 2 or Shadowrun.


New Worms Content Due Next Wednesday

Friday, May 25th, 2007


The good ol’ boys at Team 17 have announced some upcoming DLC for Worms. Here is all the content that will be available next Wednesday for download:

~Space level (Free)
~Hell level (150 MS Points)
~Jungle level (150 MS Points)
~Sound Bank Pack 1 (Free)

Now, obviously the levels are different landscapes for your little worms to destroy. The Sound Bank pack is a series of voice overs in many different languages, as well as some classic voices from Worms games past.

Team 17 is also working on a series of gamer pics and a dashboard theme.

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Welcome to Xbox 360 Rally, the only home for all the Xbox 360 news that matters, with a touch of “home flavor” not associated with most major gaming sites. Xbox 360 Rally brings you all the Xbox 360 News, Reviews and Previews you could ever ask for, with a healthy dose of sarcasm, and a dash of cynicism to get you through your day.

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    » JW

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