Best Buy offering good Black Friday 360 deals

Hey boys and girls! I’ve gotten bored and missed working for the ol’ green and grey, so I’m back (at least temporarilly) until we get some new writers for Xbox 360 Rally. And, I come bearing news about potential X-Mas gifts!
According to Punch Jump, Best Buy will be having a couple kick ass deals on some Xbox 360 stuff for the annual “Black Friday” shopping bonanza! First, Best Buy will be selling Xbox 360 Premium consoles bundled with Guitar Hero II and controller for the standard Premium price of $349.99. Naturally, if you’re visiting this site, you probably don’t need a 360. But it’s still something nice to get your friends.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to the bundle, Best BUy is offering both Tony Hawk’s Project 8 (the last GOOD Tony hawk game) and Def Jam Icon for the low, low price of $14.99.
But that offer is on November 23rd, and November 23rd ONLY. So don’t slouch.
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