All Pro Football 2K8 - Do NOT Buy This Game - RIP OFF!

So yesterday on Major Nelson there was the usual list of what is on the marketplace today. Call of Duty 3 map pack, cool. All Pro Football 2K8 ReelMaker to create highlight reels, neat. I own neither game, so on I went surfing away on the net. On Digg I found an interesting post, “” .. the link went right back to Major’s page with the 2K8 listed, with the Digg user ranting on in the description portion how this should have been free. I am not too up to date on sports games lately, so seeing this did pique my interest, so off hunting for info about his rant I went. My findings were a little shocking.
1) The $5 download is only 108kb in size, that is awful small for a file that is marked as a “powerful replay editor” with the ability to construct your own highlight reel, add to this that the game was literally released just 5 days ago, those developers must have been working day and night on this lovely program that is only 108kb with so many features *sarcasm* .. let this part sink in first, 108kb, 5 days later, they just screwed you if you either bought the game and especially if you just bought the file (file = unlock code)
2) This isn’t the first time 2KSports has done this. Like I said, I haven’t touched a sports game in a bit, so this is really, all new to me. Please let me point you in the direction of Kotaku for a second, an article from December 21st 2006, has College Hoops 2K7 listed with a magical 108kb ReelMaker download, five bucks (link), feel free to be disgusted at the downloads for other games offered that all were obviously on the disc to begin with, thus you are just paying for the key to unlock this.
There are some sold that can be unlocked if you just play the game itself (Need for Speed, The Godfather), I say, more power to them, at least they allow you to earn the stuff, if not, enjoy paying for it. However, for the content that is on the disc already and they give you no option to use it without paying a fee?! W T F?! Seriously, this has all managed to pass my unknowing eye because this was all on games that did not effect me (I also didn’t write on an Xbox web site before), so now that I am keeping up with all games, this is big time shocking, and the bigger shock is, why are you still paying these companies to do this? Do online petitions work? Of course not! Look no further Guitar Hero II and their rip off music packs. I believe at the least the people that complained when the price was heard at first did make somewhat of a difference, as they were going to offer the packs monthly, and it definitely took a bit before that second set was offered, imo, time to let the online whiners cool down and forget about it.
Stop buying 2KSport games. Support Rock Band when it arrives. If you work for 2KSports, end yourself. Bah, what ever happened to a Game Genie/Gameshark for all systems, they could help end this crap now. Please.
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July 21st, 2007 at 1:19 pm
There’s a better reason to not buy this game. They were stupid enough to not include a franchise mode.
I could care less about making highlight reels, but I do see franchise mode as the end all to any football game.
Even if the gameplay is good (what 2K is known for in their football series), the idea of running around with Legendary Players as THE ONLY OPTION is, to put it lightly, a gimmick on the order of the Wii. It may be fun for a while (a handful of games), but after a while I want something with some substance.
IMO, 2K sports really screwed up this supposed resurrection of football badly. Hopefully they will get their heads out of their ( | )es before next year’s version.
July 31st, 2007 at 11:58 am
[...] as they sent us a full press release about the feature. Though I am not supporting 2K Sports (click here why you shouldn’t either), this does seem like a good move for the company and this franchise to change things up and to [...]
August 1st, 2007 at 8:31 am
[...] series, “Proving Ground,” will be a feature that other games charge you extra for (even when it is included on the disc!), a full on movie editor. For those who skate, you know that skate videos are just part of the [...]
August 3rd, 2007 at 7:34 am
So you’re saying don’t buy 2k games because of this and endorse rock band, an EA game. Have you looked at EA’s downloads? Do you not think rock band will charge you $5 for 3 songs? You don’t need the songs, just like you don’t need the replay editor in any of 2k’s games.
August 3rd, 2007 at 8:51 am
Rob, you fail to recognize the difference. The EA downloads are ACTUAL DOWNLOADS. The reply editor that they offer, is already on the game disc.
August 4th, 2007 at 8:17 am
[...] Skate and Call of Duty 4 Demo’s Coming Soon August 4th, 2007 by PacoDG Skate, due for release on September 12th, will be releasing a demo of the game on the 15th of this month. I am somewhat excited. I love the Tony Hawk series for its complete unrealism, Skate is the game wanting to go the opposite direction, and I will admit I am curious to see how it will play. Plus, competition in genres is a very good thing to ensure that the games themselves can evolve (I am still waiting for someone to compete with Tiger Woods, to either out-do it, or help motivate EA to do something to that franchise to spice it up). Included on the Skate demo will be the video editing feature, where you can record and share footage from the game of you skating (something other companies actually charge for!). [...]
October 1st, 2007 at 2:22 pm
[...] ban of all things 2KSports has been lifted starting with this NBA 2K8 title, as someone on the Xbox forums has informed me [...]
October 22nd, 2007 at 3:30 am
[...] on Beautiful Katamari - Do Not Buy! by PacoDG It seems something I have ranted about in the past has reared its ugly head again. If you may or may not recall, NFL 2K8 had a “downloadable [...]