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Necessary, but lame, intro post.

by PacoDG


Hi. I am PacoDG. Your brand new blogger here at the Xbox360Rally. You may remember me from such nature films as ‘Earwigs: Ewwww’ and ‘Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory’.” Just making an intro post here, been using the Rally here for a while, also good friends with the sister/brother/mother site 1pstart. With mine and JW powers combined, you will be getting Xbox 360 news ASAP, tips for your gaming use, and whatever other articles we can throw at you. My gamertag is “PacoDG” (real original here I am), add me, say whats up, and thanks for this opportunity to join this growing site with you.

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2 Responses to “Necessary, but lame, intro post.”

  1. BB Says:

    Welcome to the gaming channel family PacoDG! A little friendly advice. Next post you do, make sure to include a title ;)

  2. J.W. Says:

    Titles are cool, no? :P Welcome to the party, hombre.

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