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JW’s Notes: I know, it’s dead here

by JW


Hi, folks. I know that things ’round here haven’t exactly been on the ball. In fact, this is the first update in a good bit. If you haven’t been around, though, here’s what is up: Paco and I are at 1PStart now. It’s another site on the 451 Network, and it allows both Paco and I to cover all aspects of gaming. In a way, it’s our dream gig minus the absurd amount of money. We still do Xbox 360 news, we just do it over there now.

We’re currently in the process of finding new guys to replace us. Considering our unnaturally high levels of awesome, you can see how it’s been hard to find worthy replacements. But, we’re workin’ on it. Give it a wee bit o’ time.

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