“Free Downloadable Content Only!” - Valve
Friday, May 25th, 2007 “You buy the product, you get the content,” Team Fortress 2 designer Robin Walker told us. “We make more money because more people buy it, not because we try and nickel-and-dime the same customers.”
“[In multiplayer games] the content you’re playing is being created by the players you’re playing against, so the more people that get into the game, the more content you’re going to have,” Valve’s Charlie Brown concurred.
I ponder if the words of Valve have already been given a stamp of approval by Microsoft. Already knowing how they seem to feel about free content on the marketplace with Gears of War wanting to give free content as well as Geometry Wars was meant to be free. I honestly can’t wait to see how this plays out, as if anything, Valve has the money to pay off Microsoft to ensure their products are put on the Xbox Live Marketplace for free, where as on the other hand Microsoft has a little bit more money, and the will power to say “NO, this is our marketplace, you do it by our rules.”