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300 comes to the Marketplace on August 14th, Heroes DLC as well

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

First Mentioned HERE, with the HD-DVD Price-Drop!

When I sat in the movie theatre with my friend Krystle all those many moons ago, watching King Leonidas ripping through faceless Persians and Ninjas, I knew I was watching the manliest thing EVER! In fact, the only thing that could make it more manly was if I were in my living room, watching it in HD while eating raw flesh with my bare hands.

Well, my dream will finally come true, as Microsoft has announced that the Frank Miller graphic novel-turned-graphic film ‘300‘ will be making it’s way to the Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace on August 14th, and will indeed be available in beautiful HD.

Buff men killing Persians in their underwear and capes not your thing? Ok. Fair enough, sissy. Microsoft has you covered, too. In advance of the release of the Heroes: Season 1 HD-DVD box set, we Xbox LIVE members will be able to download, for free, the pilot episode in stunning, sensationa, spectacular HD! …only for a limited time, however.

If that isn’t enough Heroes goodness for you, never fear! You’ll also be able to download trailers, teasers and other promotional materials highlighting the DVD box set. So at long last ladies, you can finally act out those Hiro fantasies from the comfort of your own couch.

Bow chica wah wah!

Read after the break for the press release… again…


360 HD DVD Player, Cheaper + 5 Free HD Movies! - Free Marketplace Download Too!

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

oOo.. cheaper

Not a bad deal at all. The already nicely priced HD DVD player for the 360 (which also can be used on a PC), will be dropping in price from $199 to $179 starting August 1st. Then from August 1st till September 30th, they will be offering 5 free HD-DVD flicks. This comes around the time that key launches of the “300″ HD-DVD as well as “Heroes:Season 1″ (From Warner Bros and Universal Studios respectively) will be coming out. The choices for the 5 HD-DVDs are from Toshiba’s “Perfect Offer” which are shown in the image below.
Meh, not too too shabby

The second part for those who may not be taking the plunge into an high def format yet as far as hardware (Though maybe you should relook at HD-DVD as the option), on August 14th, can download the pilot episode of Heroes, a show that I always heard was good, but never got into, I will definitely be checking it out now. “300″ in HD will be offered on demand as well, all this coming on the heels of the Bringing it Home San Diego Comic Con announcement, ensuring you stay glued to the Marketplace for some time to come. Props to Microsoft for giving up free goods on the regular.

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Toys “R” Us Offering $50 Gift Card w/ Xbox 360

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007


Has your Xbox 360 crapped out in recent weeks? Sure it has. Naturally, you’ll be in need of a new console. Sure, Microsoft has the three year warranty for all Ring of Death issues, but do they offer you a free $50 Gift Certificate? Surely not! Imagine how much that $1.08 Billion would be if they did… wowza.

That’s where toy superpower Toys R Us comes in to play. From now until this Sunday, all Toys R Us stores are offering a free $50 gift card with the purchase of any of the three Xbox 360 consoles.

Keep in mind, people, that Microsoft showed us a cornucopia of kick ass games that will ALL be released by end of the 2007 Calendar year. Except Resident Evil 5. Just look at a few of these games!

Halo 3
Mass Effect
Army of Two
Call of Duty 4
Assassin’s Creed
Mercenaries 2

…November will leave us all in poverty.

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t3h w31rd: July 22nd, 2007

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007


The past couple of weeks have been pretty lacking in the w31rdness, mostly due to E3 and it’s aftermath. It happens every year. But not to fear, this week I’ve found a few items for you that I think will tickle everyone’s fancy. From kidnapping and extortion, to your weekly WoW update, to pure, raw sex appeal, this week’s entry has a bit of everything for everyone.

And with that, I present this week’s “t3h w31rd”!


Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit (Black) - $11.99 !!

Thursday, July 19th, 2007


There hasn’t been a real good Xbox 360 deal lately, but wow, when one does finally come, its a pretty damn good deal. For the price of $11.99, you can get yourself a new 360 Play & Charge Kit for your wireless controller. Not a no name brand one either, this is Microsoft’s product here. I threw it in my shopping cart to see how much shipping would be, only $4.49. So still ends up cheaper than driving to the store to pick it up. Of course if you add 13 bucks, it goes into free shipping. Get it now as some of these random Amazon price drops that are this low only last a day.


Calling All Canadians - Xbox 360 with Four Games - $499

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007


Wow, this is quite a deal. For those in Canada, get your ass down to Future Shop (link) and pick this up. For $499 you get yourself a Premium Xbox 360 Forza 2 bundle (wireless controller, hard drive, etc), which of course comes with the very highly rated Forza 2 as well (rated a very very high 90 on Metacritic). Well on top of that, you get yourself Crackdown, Hitman: Blood Money, and World Series of Poker. Now if you happen to be reading this site because of the fact you already own a 360, take the link and forward it to friends family and even enimies. Seriously, this isn’t a crappy bundle deal, all four titles are very choice games, and the variety means you will probably enjoy at the least one of them, then throw the rest on the eBay.

[via Xbox360Fanboy]

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Rainbow Six Vegas Red Pack Now FREE!

Monday, July 9th, 2007


You can say a lot about game publisher Ubisoft, but you can’t say they don’t treat their user base well. If you recall a week or two ago, there was an issue with their Black Pack. Apparently it was intended to be free, but that’s not how it worked out. Well, as a token of their appreciation, Ubisoft has not only promised to reimburse those who purchased the Black Pack, but they have also made their Red Pack free of charge as well.

So, if you’re one of the big RSV fans out there, and were waiting to pick up these packs, you’re in luck. Go DL it right now!

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Gamestop unveils Halo 3 controllers, hedset

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007


Gamestop has unveiled on their website three new accessories for your Xbox 360, as you can see above. Two of them are controllers — the controller on the left is the Halo 3 Spartan controller. The amazing artwork on the controller shows both a Spartan (we can assume it’s Master Chief) and a Warthog against a starlit sky.

The controller on the right is the Halo 3 Covenant controller. More impressive artwork is on the controller face, with images of both the Arbiter (?) and what appears to be a Ghost.

The item in the middle is what I am most excited for. That item in the middle is the Limited Edition Halo 3 Wireless Headpiece for Xbox Live. It’s painted gold with the Halo 3 logo on the speaker.

All three items are being sold at Gamestop, and all three will go for $59.99. If you order them online, they’ll ship on September 3rd.

Spartan Controller
Covenant Controller
Halo 3 Headset

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HD DVD Players in the Lead - 60% of HD Set-Top Market

Tuesday, June 12th, 2007

Blu Ray Be Gone
Though last I heard Blu Ray was “in the lead” during this high definition format war, up comes this article showing that HD DVD has taken that lead, at least in the “dedicated consumer electronics player market,” which does make sense, seeing as how the Playstation 3 seems to be the only way the Blu Ray player gets sales at all. Where as the PRNewsWire article, the place this information was found, only accounts for the dedicated, stand alone players, not taking into account PC HD DVD players or Xbox 360 HD DVD players. One thing I did find amusing about this article is that it was put out by the “HD DVD Promotional Group,” however, doing a little Googling, I did find that this is a reputable source, as well as the news seems to have hit other very reputable sites, even before the group had put out this little article which I do find a bit spammish of the HD DVD format, rather than a real news article.

None the less, they provide numbers, this is good news for those who side with Microsoft (or against Sony, however you want to look at it). When it comes down to it though, the percentage of people who own HD sets are still the minority and people still complain that the text on Lost Planet/Dead Rising is too hard to read. For the people who do own the sets and may be in the market for a dedicated player, the article does bring up that Toshiba recently had a mark down to the point that you can now buy a player for $399, which isn’t too shabby compared to the thousand dollar players that were availble last year or so. Personally, I am still waiting on the Holodiscs that will hold up to 3.9 terabytes of data to just cream HD/Blu Ray all together, to get this whole Beta/VHS bickering over with.

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Dance Dance Revolution, w/Pad = $60 (shipped) | Halo 3 Pre-Order Bonus

Monday, June 4th, 2007

Two deals to throw out to you today.

First, a nice bonus for those pre-ordering Halo 3 from Circuit City, a 4 foot tall Master Chief wall graphic. You can reserve from Circuit City online for as low as $10. I am not the pre-order type, but this one is making it quite easy, and though it goes against my “no pre-ordering policy” that I just made up ( I have had very close friends with very bad experiences with a certain unnamed game reselling chain store that rhymes with ‘LameShop’), I am on good terms with Circuit City, and being able to pre-order while sitting here typing in my underpants just sweetens the deal. You can pre-order either the Standard or Limited copy @ CircuitCity.com.

Second, DDR + the Pad for $20 off the normal price. If you are a fan, for whatever reason still haven’t picked this up, this is quite the deal for you. You can handle that over @ Amazon.com.

That is the deals, now either spend some money, or click ‘Read the rest of this entry’ to see a fat guy playing DDR really good…. then falling. God bless you streaming videos of everything.


Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel $99 (+shipping) - Until June 13th!

Friday, June 1st, 2007


I am sort of curious how this Wheel not only dropped in price once ($130), but sort of twice ($99 BestBuy/Futureshop), and now, for a third time it is offered to us dropped from the $160 price. I wonder if a new wheel is going to be coming out sometime in our near future with how low this is. I wish I owned a racing game so I could have a reason buy this, I remember owning a racing wheel for my N64 back in the day and loving it.

So if you still for whatever reason have not picked up this racing wheel that I only read good reviews about, get it now, from Frys.com for $99.

[Found via CAG]

One More Deal for the Day, New = Cheaper than Used, How can that be?!

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

Bear is driving car, How can that be?!? - Clerks, The Animated Series

Whilst you are today purchasing Forza 2 or Shadowrun and getting your FREE game, allow me to lure you back to two pretty good titles, one is a little better of a title than the other imo, but what you buy isn’t for me to decide (otherwise you would all own Tetris Evolution).

Condemned (the better of the two) and the honestly not that shabby Quake 4, are going for $19.99 and $14.99 over at EBgames.com, while their used counterparts costing $5 more. Both titles have demos on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so check ‘em out and see if these FPS are for you.

Buy Shadowrun or Forza 2, and get a FREE Xbox 360 Game

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007


*gets on megaphone*

Listen up — today is Tuesday! Today, both Shadowrun and Forza Motorsport 2 are released to us, the general public! If you are planning on buying either Forza 2 or Shadowrun, do so at Circuit City! Why? Because if you pick up either title, you will get a free Xbox 360 game. Sure, it’s a $19.99 value game, but you will get to pick a free game to take home, to inflate your game collection while you spend hours and hours with either Forza 2 or Shadowrun.


New Worms Content Due Next Wednesday

Friday, May 25th, 2007


The good ol’ boys at Team 17 have announced some upcoming DLC for Worms. Here is all the content that will be available next Wednesday for download:

~Space level (Free)
~Hell level (150 MS Points)
~Jungle level (150 MS Points)
~Sound Bank Pack 1 (Free)

Now, obviously the levels are different landscapes for your little worms to destroy. The Sound Bank pack is a series of voice overs in many different languages, as well as some classic voices from Worms games past.

Team 17 is also working on a series of gamer pics and a dashboard theme.

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Getting Forza 2, would you like a cheap Wireless Racing Wheel with that?

Friday, May 25th, 2007


The wheel itself, has recently just dropped in retail from $160 to the more realistic $130.

However, right now, it seems three places are dropping that price even more. Best Buy and Future Shop has it for $99 (though showing sold out online, I have no doubts it will be in store, use that telephone machine to check beforehand). The best deal of the three places is PCNation, which sadly, I have never personally shopped from this store, however they do have the wheel listed for only $103.97 and that is with free shipping!

Get these deals while supplies last and stuff! Forza 2 is on the way!

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Welcome to Xbox 360 Rally, the only home for all the Xbox 360 news that matters, with a touch of “home flavor” not associated with most major gaming sites. Xbox 360 Rally brings you all the Xbox 360 News, Reviews and Previews you could ever ask for, with a healthy dose of sarcasm, and a dash of cynicism to get you through your day.

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