Problems with Bioshock, The ‘Game of the Year’ Flaws Start to Show

(Xbox360Rally’s Most Overused Picture of the Month)
Woo, got my copy I pre-order from GameStop (a day or two after it came out, but its okay), put my toy on my wall, then booted up. I went through the game on hard, beat it, felt great, missed saving a little sister somewhere on the way so I suck cause I didn’t get that achievement, whatever.
Now I am going through the game a second time on easy just to get all the photography achievements, its cool because now I am really appreciating the different characters and character types. Harvesting a little sister *quick spoiler ahead* is cool with the heart pulling out and all (or ADAM slug, whatever). I am having fun choosing different abilities and combos (for the most part I have just been using plasmid powers and having the camera out as my weapon at all times).
Here comes my qualms, after all that praise, when it is said and done, this game was pretty short. I don’t consider myself a tough ass player, so when I beat the game on hard within a week, I didn’t think much of it then, but usually I don’t beat games on hard. Now on the second play through, I can see this being “Crackdown” where I might not have many reasons to ever pick up the game again after you beat it once. I would pay good money to see a multiplayer. I know how the developers feelings on a multiplayer was, but think of a game like “The Darkness,” it seems almost like the multiplayer was tacked on, but it ends up being really fun (when you get a non-lag game, but hey, they are fixing that). Think of a FPS multiplayer with the plasmids flying around, and a playable Big Daddy (that of course is tuned to be a fair fight against a human/splicer)
This game needs some new downloadable content, maybe not just right away, but multiplayer would be at the top of my list of course, however i’d settle for some extra missions maybe, just not crappy extra different new weapons/plasmids thrown in the game as the DLC. No matter what I have said, if you haven’t bought this title yet, go rent it now.
(These thoughts inspired by the game itself of course, as well as The Digital Gamer really laying into Bioshock, or at least the critics that overpraised this game)
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November 9th, 2007 at 1:28 pm
[...] of the Year BioShock Halo 3 Mass Effect The Orange [...]
December 1st, 2007 at 11:21 pm
[...] Galaxy by PacoDG Wow. A surprise hit has come to the Wii. Unlike Halo 3 or to a lesser extent, Bioshock, this is one game that is living up to the hype and then some (I would have easily accepted a [...]
December 8th, 2007 at 11:30 am
[...] beautiful game as it was, has turned out to be the winner in this years Video Game Awards. Despite my little personal issues with BioShock, I am happy that it managed to beat out Halo 3 (aka Halo 2.5). It is amusing that I have no [...]
December 9th, 2007 at 2:13 am
[...] beautiful game as it was, has turned out to be the winner in this years Video Game Awards. Despite my little personal issues with BioShock, I am happy that it managed to beat out Halo 3 (aka Halo 2.5). It is amusing that I have no [...]