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Metal Gear Solid 4 - Reasons It Is Still Coming to the 360

by PacoDG

Hey, it could happen
President Fumiaki Tanaka of Konami Digital Entertainment stated at Konami’s analyst meeting, “As we are aware of the popularity and hardware-driving power of this software franchise, going forwards we are open to taking this franchise across to other platforms.” (via Kotaku)

Gamepro sat down with Microsoft’s Shane Kim, who pulled out this lovely quote speaking on Metal Gear, “If you look at it from an economic standpoint, third parties have to support more than one platform. That’s their business model. Titles are just getting way too expensive. How much do you think that Konami is spending on MGS4? So economically they’ve got to leverage that the best that they can. So it’s really up to the first parties to create the content that’s going to differentiate the platforms and that’s where we think we have the competitive advantage.” (Via Gamepro)

And finally, I understand that Hideo Kojima has stated that Metal Gear Solid 4 is a “PS3 Exclusive,” .. however, this is Konami’s call, not Kojimas.

My personal prediction, there will be a Metal Gear game on the 360, even if it isn’t “Guns of the Patriots,” Konami has a good relationship with Microsoft and to back what Shane Kim stated, this is just being realistic, Konami needs to make their money back on the production of the game for the PS3, there is not enough PS3’s in existence to ensure that they make as much money as they should with this franchise. Either way, bets are on it is only exclusive for a year. As a final note, jeebus, I get tired of this coming to 360 then not coming to 360 every other week, but on the other hand, I guess if people weren’t so vocal about this the companies wouldn’t know how much 360 owners want this on their system.

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4 Responses to “Metal Gear Solid 4 - Reasons It Is Still Coming to the 360”

  1. Tony Says:

    I don’t believe Kojima actually said anything about its exclusivity. At E3, Sony stated several times that it was for PS3 only and fans are pointing to a “nod” from Kojima that solidifies this. The thing is, the man is hardly an excellent English speaker. He never specifically said it and Konami’s press release about the title from the same period didn’t state it either.

    It really seems to me that Konami is keeping its options open there, if nothing else.

  2. 1P Start » Blog Archive » Snake? …Snake?! SNAAAAAAKE?! MGS4 delayed until Q2 2008 Says:

    […] the “MGS4 coming to Xbox 360” rumors will almost assuredly be revived, as fanboys pick apart the press release looking for […]

  3. 1P Start » Blog Archive » “Our intro alone costs more than a DS Game” - Metal Gear Solid 4 Says:

    […] itself, which is more than some PSP and DS games as a whole, feel free to use this as fuel for the MGS4 360 rumors, as there is no way Konami will make their money back on this game on one system […]

  4. “Bioshock Coming to PS3?” - IGN quoting EGM: Says:

    […] and we will see how this turns out. All I know is the word exclusive means squat (*cough Metal Gear Solid 4 […]

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