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Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Game Play - Spoiler Altert and a Half

by PacoDG

Watch campaign footage that hasn’t been shown before. Watch the video playback function in action, see alien blood in mid air as you pause during playback, take a screenshot and save it to your hard drive, share with your friends. Graphics are easily better than the Halo 3 Beta that was out. Streaming quality not your thing, how about a 1.2 gig 1280 x 720 torrent to view this in. This is all thanks to the great work of BlimBlim at Gamersyde from GC07. Enjoy.

A quick note about the above video and torrent file, like said above, they are provided by BlimBlim of Gamersyde, on top of the torrent file I have linked from this post, they offer at this page MP4 and AVI links to this video to make sure you can view the file in the format you wish. So make sure to head over there to check out what more they have to offer as well, they keep up on some of the most up to date news on all systems. Thanks again Gamersyde!

Random note: Winners for the Golden Axe contest have been picked, and will be announced in just a few short hours, if you missed out on that, the Sonic Contest is still on like Donkey Kong, get out your ms paint and get to it..win sonic on xbla omg

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41 Responses to “Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Game Play - Spoiler Altert and a Half”

  1. /v/ sucks Says:

    This game looks awesome.

    /v/ sucks.

  2. xbot Says:

    Game looks good. waiting for PC version

  3. Chad Warden Says:

    Halo more like GAYLO!

  4. DuDisNow Says:

    Halo 3 for GOTY!

    Oh crap! Chad Warden!

  5. chad warden is gay Says:

    Ps triple!

  6. Tristan Says:

    This won’t pc for years, trust me on that. You’ll be waiting for that for a long time.

  7. panther Says:

    Lately I’ve been discouraged by the halo series, especially with the Beta that was released. But seeing the replay feature with the free floating camera adds so many points to this game. (Along with that awesome HDR!)

  8. Liam Says:

    The free floating camera is awesome, i remember playing max payne and would try an pause it in cool poses so the camera would rotate around showing all the debris.
    Now i can do it proper like!

  9. Presentación Halo 3: 18 minutos y medio de video // menéame Says:

    [...] Presentación Halo 3: 18 minutos y medio de videowww.xbox360rally.com/halo-3-18-minutes-of-game-play-spoiler-… por Patroklo hace pocos segundos [...]

  10. Xero Says:

    I know I am being ‘teh assh0le’…but the graphics really aren’t what I would expect from “the biggest game of all time.” The landscapes look pretty basic - and the overall visual presentation fails to make me drop a loaf in my pants. Sure they will sell a preposterous number of copies but…come on. Where did all the money go? God of War II for the PS2 looks better than this. Gears of War definitely looks better than this. Oblivion looked better. Granted none of the above are first person action titles…but then there is Metroid III which looks better than this also.

    I could understand the “last gen” graphics if they made a trade-off and chose to make the game much ‘richer’ and feature filled / longer / more vehicles / more story rather than have great graphics but that will remain to be seen. Multiplayer is what sold Halo 2 to me ( also not so impressive as it should have been in the graphics department) and I imagine thats what where this one will shine.

  11. Xero Says:

    Want to see how Halo 3 SHOULD look? Search and find the next unreal tournament vid. Now that made me crap myself.

  12. Alcorr Says:

    Uk2007 should be fun, but the current unreal engine (the one bioshock is running) which looks great, is nothing compared to the cryengine2 for crysis.

    Which requires so much power its PC only.

    Next gen consoles my ass….

    Console gaming ftl….

  13. Halo 3 Says:

    [...] to view this in. This is all thanks to the great work of BlimBlim at Gamersyde from GC07. Enjoy. XBox 360 Rally � Blog Archive � Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Game Play - Spoiler Altert and a Half Wow, sure looks better than the demo [...]

  14. Jackson Says:

    ^ God of War 2

    ^ Halo 3

    Xero, if you really think that God of War 2 looks better, you don’t deserve life.

    H3 graphics aren’t incredible, but you’re fucking blind if you think God of War 2 looks better.

  15. Universe_JDJ’s Blog » Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Video! - Stream or 1280×720 Video Torrent Available Says:

    [...] read more | digg story [...]

  16. Aggravated Gamers » Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Video! - Stream or 1280×720 Video Torrent Available Says:

    [...] Graphics are easily better than the Halo 3 Beta that was out. 1.2 gig 1280 x 720 torrent available!read more | digg story Share: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and [...]

  17. GC 2007: Presentación de 'Halo 3' Says:

    [...] | Xbox360rally.com Vídeo | Full Halo 3 presentation video [...]

  18. Halo 3 - 18 minute demo. - MuscleMX.com Forums Says:

    [...] 3 - 18 minute demo. XBox 360 Rally � Blog Archive � Halo 3 - 18 Minutes of Game Play - Spoiler Altert and a Half [...]

  19. Henna Says:

    Looks fun… But I hope the camera float stuff and the map forge, aren’t a detriment to the enjoyment exploration on foot..
    It’s why I don’t play many PC games, I have no self control on special options when available..
    I end up bringing up cheats or wasting my time with useless mods that ruin the soul of the game… bleh


  20. GALLO GUINDAO PUNTO COM » Halo 3 con 18 minutos de juego Says:

    [...] Vía Xbox 360 Rally [...]

  21. Bryan Says:

    Looks like the same game to me gameplay wise.. just prettier.. I’ll stick to halo 2.

  22. NerdwithSwag.com » Blog Archive » 18 minutes of Halo 3 goodies (campaign footage & spoiler) Says:

    [...] to review your previous battles and capture screen shots. Be sure to check this one out, head over Xbox 360 Rally to watch. Related PostsThe Halo 3 Instruction Manual has leaked…E3’s Halo 3 [...]

  23. qbix Says:

    Wow, a lot of sonydefenseforce people are commenting on this video. Halo is just one of those games that doesn’t even need to justify anything. It will just be released, sell millions of copies on day one, sell even more in the months to come, it will again set the bar way high in terms of online multiplayer, and Halo haters will keep bashing it and the more successful it is the louder they’ll scream. Of course, there will also be those who will give Halo 3 a try and realize how wrong they were.

    4 player co-op over live will be enough to shut some people up.

  24. Says:

    I agree with qbix.

    There were a lot of Halo: CE haters

    There were more Halo 2 haters

    And it seems that they are all out in force for Halo 3.

    All I can say is: BIGGEST GAME OF ALL TIME!!

    I wonder when PS3 will be able to say that…

  25. Somewhere out there! » Blog Archive » Halo 3 video Says:

    [...] you like Halo you should watch this video. Halo 3 promises to be an amazing looking game. I’m out of the country when it releases, but [...]

  26. TakerFreak Says:



  27. Halo:CE fan Says:

    Now I have to admit that the video looked impressive but what worried me the most was that it was pretty much just same old thing that was allready seen on halo 1 and 2. The first one was a great game and I still play it today. 2nd one was just good game.

    The thing is that most fans just dont want to admit that even though they were great games, they had some serious flaws. For instance the first halo was pretty much very small tunnel where you ran and most of it looked horribly same. Just think about it for a moment. Covenant ships were all about identical tunnels and then bigger room that all looked the same. Pretty much same with libary and outdoor levels. Also there were only few kinds of enemies.

    Now Halo 2 didnt really make anything better. It still looked allmost identical and was again, pure tunnel running in similar enviroment and identical tunnels with little more mobs.

    If they can fix this somehow in halo 3 I am sure it will be huge hit even among those halo haters. But to do that they must get the game away from tunnel running, get more different type of enemies and at the same time keep the high quality enemy AI and the feeling of the orginal game. In that demo it looked too much like Halo is becoming run like mad over everything game instead of tactical FP that the first one was. The enemies were smart or seemed to be and you coudnt just run at em with guns blazing or you would have been dead.

    I dont have xbox360 yet but I am considering upgrading my computer to be able to play latest games or buy 360. At the moment 360 lacks good enough MUST PLAY games but for me Halo 3 might just be enough to buy it. But I wait reviews first. I am not into netplay and therefore if halo 3 is just as short as 2 first ones, I just rend 360 and play it thru on weekend instead of buying it for 500e.

  28. annynomous (not trying to be mean) Says:

    Not to be too mean or anything, but I didn’t see anything THAT innovative in my opinion. The free looks with the camera’s and such were done a very long time ago. Sure the camera is a huge step up to the camera in Halo 2, but it doesn’t appear to be that machinima friendly. It wasn’t told of any model support, any camera way point support or anything. The graphics don’t look that much different than Halo 2, and the gameplay doesn’t seem to be that much different than Halo 2 either. Honestly, I don’t know why Halo is such a popular game. I used to play Halo, then I tore into some other games and wow did I have a wake up call. I think it looks to be an excellent game for Halo fans though. I’ve got to admit, if I didn’t tear into other content, I would have fell apart watching this, but seeing every single aspect of this game being done before and maybe even better makes me wonder why Halo is so popular. =/. I think it’s because you get to drive cars and tanks and stuff. I don’t know…

  29. Con Queso325 Says:

    True, the grafix don’t look that much better, but there is a lot more detail in this than in any of the previous Halo games. I lived and breathed Halo until the second one came out. Right now I can’t stand Halo 2 because of it’s lack of trueskill and tactics. In my opinion it’s just a spray ad pray. The auto aim is to the extreme and there is so many things that make the game easy for even a child to be in the high lvls of xbox live. so many things take away from the skill: newb combo, sword, auto aim, auto aim, did I mention auto aim; the br is the new pistol and not to mention host advantages on xbl AND LUNGING ACROSS THE MAP TO BEAT SOMEONE DOWN. When I played the beta for 3 I was amazed at how much more skill the game took and how it was much more like the original Halo. The auto aim was gone the rocket actually took skill, the weapons were more balanced, the br wasn’t the only weapon woth picking up (besides newb weps), the smg wasn’t a damn bb gun anymore, the assault rifle was pretty amazing, the plasma pistols don’t have such an extreme lock on, and the human snipe wasn’t a four shot shoot until you kill(it actually takes skill and has lag time now) I enjoyed it a lot and hope to play it soon. but the game will not be 4 player online or offline co-op. it will still be 2 player and online is still not ready(common knowledge to anyone who is carefully following legit info) hope to rape some newbs that are used to gay auto aim on h3…

  30. Thoughts: Latest Gaming Videos Says:

    [...] –Click here for Halo 3 video [...]

  31. Official Halo 3 thread - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net Says:

    [...] Wikipedia article Dailytech - Halo 3 goes gold Screenshots 1UP - 231 screenshots Video Xbox 360 Rally - 18 minutes of gameplay (Possible spoilers) Reviews So if you find anything interesting then post it here [...]

  32. xmadman Says:

    Why are people saying the graphics are crap they look amazing…this will without a doubt be the best combination of graphics and gameplay in console gaming history….

  33. themadgun Says:

    DuDisNow stfu you suck so much to say that lol

  34. Lakey Says:

    i think the graphics look pretty good nice high res textures and great lighting and sound by no means groundbraking but graphics dont make a game.

  35. hater of haters Says:

    lol so many haters go fuck ur piece of shit sony consoles

  36. hater of haters Says:

    go fuck urselves haters god dam

  37. Question to Mikael about gaming - Page 2 - Ultimate Metal Forum Says:

    [...] Because it allows you to see more than you normally could. You could even watch it in slow motion. Watch this : https://xbox360rally.com/halo-3-1…rt-and-a-half/ [...]

  38. Vaders Says:

    Ya I like Halo and I played the Beta too.
    Makes for a nice little CARTOON!
    Look if you wannt to play with the boys the Halo 3 is your bet.
    But if you wanna come out and play with the men then come see us in Upcommings like America’s Army, Battlefield Bad Company, and Cod4. If you can’t wait and wanna grow up faster , we are all in GRAW2 . Halo is for children……………….yep

  39. Official Halo 3 thread - Page 3 - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net Says:

    [...] Halo 3 goes gold Gamespot - Forge and campaign details Screenshots 1UP - 231 screenshots Video Xbox 360 Rally - 18 minutes of gameplay (Possible spoilers) Reviews So if you find anything interesting then post it here We need [...]

  40. Halo 3 - Trailer | Gerador de Improbabilidade Infinita Says:

    [...] na janela do youtube para assistir ao trailler e aqui para ver um video de 18 minutos com uma galera que conseguiu testar o jogo antes. O lançamento [...]

  41. Ruby Says:

    Does someone know when I am alive for Xbox360 will be released?

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